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View Full Version : Planning advice please?

27-11-2009, 11:38 AM

I just wondered how you all format your planning and obs. I don't have any mindees yet but I'm practicing all my paperwork for eyfs on my daughter whilst I wait to get some mindees.

Basically what I've done is print a sheet out for each area of learning each month. I've got a column for where she's at already, what steps I think are next and another for how I plan to get there. I've brought a notebook for obs and I just write the date at the top of the page and what I've observed with where it links to EYFS and then highlight the link so its clear for ofsted. Is this enough? Or do I need to go into more detail. I write obs in bullet points and have been doing it for a couple of weeks but dont always notice something for every area of learning. Does that matter??

I'm assuming that ofsted wont be checking that I do all this for my own child but its good for me to practice as I've never had to do it before and I'm actually finding it quite interesting to see how she's developing.

What do you all do???

27-11-2009, 09:51 PM
there is no right or wrong way to do it as long as you can show how you observe a child and how you plan their next steps and if they reach their development matters stage etc......

27-11-2009, 10:21 PM
Write obs... look at Eyfs links to ages and stages information...

Get ideas for next steps planning from the obs... write obs... look at Eyfs again...

It's a never ending cycle, how you write it up is your choice but make it simple and easy to do :D