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23-11-2009, 07:10 PM
after having my ofsted inspection last week, that went really well after all that worrying!!! got graded overall good, some areas were outstanding though so was very pleased with myself thought i would only get satifactory lol....anyway i have decided instead of trying to remember to tell all the parents things i will do a news letter so i have attached my first draft could you guys check it over and see is i need to add or change anything??

i can attach the proper copy so have cut and pasted it

thank you x

Newsletter- Dec 09
As you may be aware I had my Ofsted inspection last Wednesday. It all went extremely well. I was graded an overall of GOOD. When I have my report back I will give you a copy. The inspector was very happy with Helen working as my assistant. Helen will be here helping more often and she is hoping to study to become a registered childminder herself.

The weather is now becoming much colder so please provide suitable winter clothing on a daily basis. Could you also provide a spare set of clothes either to leave at my house or in your child’s bag daily in case of any mishaps
Please be aware that whilst I will accommodate your child with a mild cold, if your child is obviously unwell and has a more severe cold please do not send them to me as they will be sent home.

As of the 30th Nov if your child is with me all day I will be asking that you supply a packed lunch, I will not be supplying any lunches after this date.

On the 4th of December my children have a party to go to, it is
at whale of
a time, I am happy to take your child with Me, I will be asking that
you pay for their entrance and if you would want them to have something
to eat please give them some spending money too. Please note this is on a
first come first serve basis due to a limited no of seats in the car.
Otherwise your child will need to be collected by 3.30pm I will not be
charging fees after this Time if your child does not come but please be
aware normal fees apply if they do come with us, we will be back at
about 7pm (I will text you a definite time when we are at the party) and
you will need to collect them from me.

We have lots of activities planned for December. There will be a few
parties as well, I am not sure on the dates But will let you know ASAP.
There may be small charges for some Activities, if there are any problems
please talk to me or Helen.

If there are any activities in particular you would like us to Do with the
children please do share them with either me Or Helen

Please note the days that I have booked as holiday over The Christmas
and New Year period. Normal fees will Apply as per contract.

23-11-2009, 07:58 PM
I always put headers...

Things we did last month... blah, blah

Things we are going to do next month...

A reminder about illnesses...

Dates to remember...

our new resources....

You can see a few of my old newsletters on the parents page of my Knutsford Childminding website :D

23-11-2009, 08:22 PM
Have you discussed the packed lunch thing with parents already ?

I would be a bit peeved if I got that, and hadn't even been consulted (or at least given a reason for the change).

Otherwise quite good.

My parents loved my first newsletter ... I spent ages putting lots of little pictures on it (ie a suitcase for holidays etc).

23-11-2009, 09:00 PM
thanks for your replies, i will look at your newsletters sarah, zoomie i havent discussed it but to be honest its only 1 family that doesnt bring their packed lunch anyway, and when i had my kitchen fitted a few months ago they brought packed lunch then and tbh it worked better for us all and the children enjoyed it as they felt 'grown up' with a lunch box lol i will prob mention it to her anyway before the letter as she is a friend too so she will be ok about it