View Full Version : Charging over the christmas period

21-11-2009, 08:44 PM
Question for you l have a new child starting on tuesday next week l will also have him thursday before and afder school.As thursday of the 24th is christmas eve can l stay open even if they may not need me and charge for this as a normal day.Also new years eve falls on the thursday too.In all my old jobs ive always worked these days and l know lots of people work these days anyway.I need to do there invoices so need to know what to put on them.

21-11-2009, 08:47 PM
If its an all year contract and you are open those days then I would invoice.

21-11-2009, 08:48 PM
i am working and i have told parents if they dont need me then its half fee as normal when they dont require my service and give me enough notice 2 weeks if no notice then full fee christmas or not

21-11-2009, 09:03 PM
You say you will normally have him Thursdays before and after school, so does that mean that you will have him all day on Thurs in school hols? If that is the case and you are open then I would charge for christmas eve and new years eve. If you only have him term time then I wouldn't charge as it's in the school hols.

21-11-2009, 09:21 PM
You say you will normally have him Thursdays before and after school, so does that mean that you will have him all day on Thurs in school hols? If that is the case and you are open then I would charge for christmas eve and new years eve. If you only have him term time then I wouldn't charge as it's in the school hols.

Yes l will be having him through the holidays.I had not thought of this ;) thanks every one :clapping:

The Juggler
22-11-2009, 10:36 AM
I would charge too. you are open. it's not a bank hol so as you have all year contract, fees are due.

25-11-2009, 06:46 PM
Question for you l have a new child starting on tuesday next week l will also have him thursday before and afder school.As thursday of the 24th is christmas eve can l stay open even if they may not need me and charge for this as a normal day.Also new years eve falls on the thursday too.In all my old jobs ive always worked these days and l know lots of people work these days anyway.I need to do there invoices so need to know what to put on them.

If you are open (and depending on what you have on your contracts) then you definitely invoice them as you are open for business whether they choose to use you or not is there choice unless they are term time only I would have thought.

If you are not open then it will depend on what it state sin your contracts. I do not charge if I am not available to work so as I am closed I do not charge. But it sounds to me as if you are going to be open for working so charge them.

26-11-2009, 11:55 AM
I would charge normal fee too. I work on the basis that if I'm open and it's a contracted day but the parent chooses not to send them then normal full fee applies. If they were in a nursery that's excatly how it would work, why should we be any different?