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View Full Version : Hello- advice wanted about childminders working in pairs

18-11-2009, 10:06 PM

Am new to the forum and two of us who intend to work together at my house have enrolled on the ICP course Jan 2010.

Abit about us: I dont have childminding experience but am nurse/midwife hoping to build up a childminding business at my home. In addition to the house, we have a dedicated playroom with separate entrance opp school and park. Neither of us will be having any more children unless a miracle occurs!

My childminding partner is happy to either be a reg assistant or Childminder registered at my address. She used to childmind for 6 years in her old home and then came out of it and let her registration lapse. So we are both starting afresh. Her 3 children are older and do not minding. Mine are 15 and my two 6 year old twin boys will obviously be included within our numbers. My husband works fulltime but is also happy to register with us should we need a 3rd person for any emergencies/short-term cover.

Not sure what else to say about us! From a parent point of view I have plenty of experience on the "other side" of it. Have used private nurseries/childminders and dare I say it.....au pairs for the last 15 years (as have always worked fulltime) so feel experienced from that point of view!

Would like to hear any advice/hints/tips about working in partnership with another childminder and pros and cons pretty please!

19-11-2009, 03:43 PM

19-11-2009, 08:09 PM
Can't offer any direct advice but I used to support two childminders working together as part of the 'support network' and my advice would be to both register in your own rights and then work at one address if you have the space.

It worked for them and they are now working as accredited minders :thumbsup:

19-11-2009, 08:28 PM
no advice but hello - nice to see you over here :) (Fizz!)

I know, I'm everywhere like a bad smell! :laughing: Good luck - I'm new to minding this year and am LOVING it - and with twins the same age as yours it's been no problem. They've readily accepted it and make the most of all the extra activities!

19-11-2009, 08:59 PM
I work with my partner who is also registered.

It is more flexible if you are both registered.

I suggest you divvy up the jobs really carefully so that nobody feels put-upon and meet regularly to talk about things that are annoying you.

Good luck! :D

19-11-2009, 09:43 PM
Thanks Guys!

I might get some accounting advice beforehand just to be sure.

Hey Fizz! You on here too!lol! So I'm busted eh?? :blush: Havnt told my colleagues or in laws yet so hush! hush!

Seriously though, I am very interested in the EYPS but want to concentrate on building this up first.

You do realise Fizz that I am going to be pestering you from now on! lol!:thumbsup:

27-11-2009, 10:16 PM
me and my friend are co childminders(both reg'd) working at her house and it works really well. the children get the benefit of 2 level 3 qualified carers but we only charge the same amount as if there was one if us and split it