View Full Version : Holiday fees

16-11-2009, 08:59 PM

I'm just in the proccess of working out my fees and have got to the holiday part......... I know everyone is different, but I would appreciate thoughts on what I was possibly going to do:

Parents annual leave - full fees
My annual leave - no fees (in the event of childminder and parent holidays at the same time half fees to be charged)

Is that a strange thing to do???? I just keep thinking that if a parent takes holiday at the same time as me, I'm going to lose out on any payment???

Any advice?

H :) :)

16-11-2009, 09:09 PM
Thats fine its what i do i find out their holidays first before letting them know mine cos sometimes they can be sneaky and just say they dont need cover and having holiday later in year but then go when you go.

16-11-2009, 09:15 PM
We take 4 weeks at half pay and tell parents at the begining of the year when they are. Parents have to pay full for any other time off :D

The Juggler
16-11-2009, 09:44 PM
if you don't want to book all your hols in advance though here's what I would do, if you're not charging for your holiday it doesn't really matter if they take hols at the same time. I think what will matter is how many weeks you offer them at half fee , for their hols:

my holiday (x weeks) no fee
parent holiday - full fee or x weeks at half fee then any additional at full fee (I would suggest no more than 2 weeks at half fee)

if you are only going to charge half fee for when they take holiday I would cap it at so many weeks, then full-fee after that. If parents have 5 weeks each and only take 2 overlapping that means you are working 4 weeks free (your hols) then possibly 8 weeks at half fee - that's a lot over a year.

26-11-2009, 09:34 PM
I charge full fee for parental time off and no fee for mine. I give my holidays out as soon into Jan as possible (once hubby has had them confirmed them at work) so they can book them at the same time as me if they want to. As The Juggler said it makes no difference to me if they take it the same time as me as I wouldn't be paid for that week anyway.

What I do have written into my payment policy is if they book a week/day off then change their mind they must give me a weeks notice if they require me to work and if less than 48 hours notice it is at my discretion if I work as I may have made an appointment for that day as their children are not in the setting and money will not be refunded at this short notice. If a weeks notice of change is given and I choose not to work (if I have made plans) then I refund their fees.

27-11-2009, 06:33 PM
i charge 1/2 fees for both mine and parents holidays allowing four weeks annual leave for both parties with a minimum of four weeks notice, my parents think this is fair.

28-11-2009, 03:44 PM
Hi all,

I've been a childminder since 2005 and I began my service by offering parents to pay me half the fee for my holidays. I did also at this time take four weeks holiday. My parents were mainly couples who used childcare vouchers towards their fees. I found they never needed to pay anyone else and they also had their own holidays while I was still available which I asked to be paid for in full so their place was secure. My household bills still remind the same during my holidays and I was short on the occasions because of the half fee.
I charge less than the minimum wage per hour. (based in London) If I only have 1 child not only am I not making enough to meet my outgoings but I will worse off during my well deserved time off.
So from September I changed my policy on holidays. The increasing work load we have with observations, diary writing, planning etc, added to it also. I now ask to receive full pay for my holidays and have increased my holidays to six weeks in the year .
Tax credit pays parents for every day throughout the childcare arrangement, I believe it is because it is the law for an worker to receive 5.6 weeks holiday with pay.
We are caring, kind and loving and hardworking people but we too have rights to be treated fairly. Parents who choose our childcare do so because they feel their child will receive the best care while they are at work so why can we not receive recognition from them and be paid fairly?

29-11-2009, 07:22 PM
Thats fine its what i do i find out their holidays first before letting them know mine cos sometimes they can be sneaky and just say they dont need cover and having holiday later in year but then go when you go.

Must admit I have to agree with beccas on this one - I found I changed the way I do things over the years and I now charge half fees for my 4 weeks hols, half fees for parents hols which range between 4-8 weeks depending on individual needs and contracts and this suits me fine and I also close at xmas and this is extra holiday and half fees for contracted days are due.

I used to find that the parents wanted my holidays before booking theirs, then took theirs at the same time so didnt need to ever pay me for their holidays. I also found that very few parents would tell me when they were having their holidays until very close to the time so asking in Jan for the summer holidays may not be feasible. This also happened a lot with the xmas holidays, which is why I now do things the way I do.....

At the end of the day there is no right or wrong way and you can change things on a review should you need to later on....

29-11-2009, 09:22 PM
I don't charge for my holidays and I give parents so much notice that they are able to book theirs at the same time as mine. I don't lose out on any money this way, and neither do the parents. They also don't have to try to find alternative care. This helps me build a good, trusting relationship with my parents.