View Full Version : Do I need Policies and Procedures? Updated 01.2013

13-11-2009, 08:09 AM
Here is a pm I received recently that I thought I would share with you.

A member said that the EYFS says childminders are not required to have any policies or procedures in writing...

So does that mean I don't need to do any then..?


We now have a list of the policies and procedures which are required by Ofsted.

It is detailed in Ofsted factsheet 120412 (dated Jan 2013) -

Ofsted | Factsheet: childcare - Records, policies and notification requirements of the Early Years Register (http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/factsheet-childcare-records-policies-and-notification-requirements-of-early-years-register)

THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT - the factsheet says the same as the EYFS 2012 - childminder policies and procedures do not need to be in writing but must be explained to parents, assistants and Ofsted on request.

However, a footnote at the bottom of page 4 of the factsheet states - ‘Unless the childminder is registered on the Childcare Register. For this register the policies and procedures should be in writing.’

The majority of childminders are registered on both the Early Years (EYFS) and Childcare Registers and must comply with the requirements of BOTH registers. You can check your Ofsted registration by looking up your URN number on the Ofsted website.

The list of policies and procedures required by Ofsted (in alphabetical order) includes -

• Behaviour management - this is the best place to talk about how you record physical intervention

• Concerns and complaints procedure - this procedure MUST be shared with parents if the child is on the Childcare Register

• Emergency evacuation of the premises

• Equality of opportunity - for the Childcare Register it must include information about how you support children with learning difficulties and disabilities

• Failure to collect - often called a ‘Late Arriving Parent’ procedure

• Health and safety - relating to accidents, hazards and faulty equipment

• Medication administration - - for the Childcare Register it must include details about how you support individual children with medical needs - see Ofsted factsheet for more info (doc 080290)

• Missing child - your procedures if you lose a child

• Risk assessment - see Ofsted RA factsheet for more information (doc 120334)

• Safeguarding children - - for the Childcare Register it must include the procedures to be followed in the event of an allegation being made against a member of staff. For the EYFS 2012 it must include information about mobile phone and camera use. This procedure MUST be shared with parents if the child is on the Childcare Register

• Smoking

• Visitors - checking the identity of visitors

You must take note of the wording in the EYFS 2012, the Childcare Register 2012 and any factsheets and further information produced by Ofsted when writing your policies and procedures. You might also be given support by your Local Authority especially regarding safeguarding - ask them for further advice and information.

Note - it is important that these policies and procedures are read and understood by parents - Ofsted might ask parents to discuss them during your inspection.

I would also say that there are some other policies and procedures that are very important to share with parents, as they show how you run your business such as a fees policy!

You might also find the information in this thread useful -


I hope this clarifies :D

13-11-2009, 08:25 AM
Thanks as usual Sarah for making it clear :)

I am not sure what to put in my concerns and complaints procedure? Is there an official line to go down?

I say that firstly discuss with me as small concerns can be just misunderstandings and easily sorted with a chat, I give info for NCMA and Ofted to contact for advice and that concerns/complaints will be logged with outcomes and actions taken. I have your form too, the updated one on the forum downloads.

Is that ok do you think? Might just be confusing myself :panic:

13-11-2009, 06:52 PM
Thanks Sarah. One thing that I am struggling with is getting the policies right. I am terrified that Mrs Ofsted is going to come in and declare all my policies as 'wrong' and not register me.

Am I just being retentive LOL?

Thanks for the pointers as ever Sarah. And the present :clapping:


13-11-2009, 08:56 PM
Have a look on the website for Bromley Childminding Association , thats where i get mine from , I just re-word them to suit my setting.

hope this helps

Jenna x x x

19-05-2010, 12:21 AM
thanks got them all:clapping: :jump for joy:

19-05-2010, 07:23 AM
Had to check on mine last night as parent was late collecting. Gave it half an hour as mum would hopefully be driving to me, then checked to see how long I said before calling around. :)

She arrived 5 mins after that so all was well - policy said I would use my discretion. For this one I would have given up to an hour with the driving. Reminded her in a friendly way that after phoning her, then emergency contact it would have been SS! She had left her phone at home so lucky for her she came when she did :rolleyes:

Good job it was in writing though :thumbsup:

Heaven Scent
19-05-2010, 08:33 AM
i know a minder who wouldn't contact SS if she couldn't contact parents or Next of Kin - its not me by the way!!!!

11-01-2013, 12:33 PM
I have updated the information in this post to reflect the new Ofsted factsheet -

Ofsted | Factsheet: childcare - Records, policies and notification requirements of the Early Years Register (http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/factsheet-childcare-records-policies-and-notification-requirements-of-early-years-register)

I hope you find it useful :D