View Full Version : Two children under 1y?

10-11-2009, 09:01 PM
I have just been to my pre-reg meeting. I have a 3y little boy and a 5 month baby. I would like to start childminding in Feb. My baby will then be 8 months and I would like to have my cousins baby who will be 10 months. I am a qualified nursery nurse with 10 years experience. How likely do you think it is that Ofsted will allow this? I know usually you are only allowed one child under 1y, but they do make exceptions for twins. Has anyone any experience or knowledge of this?

10-11-2009, 09:37 PM
I will be extremly suprised if they let you have 2 under 1's so i dont think your chances are good, They allow it with twins so they dont get split up.

10-11-2009, 10:02 PM
It's highly unlikely - my DO was only saying this morning that they are really cracking down on variations at the moment.

You can only ask... there is a form you will need to fill in once you are registered.

They are taking up to 12 weeks to process variations though so the children will probably be 1 by the time you find out the result! :rolleyes:

Hth :D

10-11-2009, 10:02 PM
I had two under ones within a month of being registered. I also had a background in the baby room of a nursery. It's worth a try.

10-11-2009, 10:05 PM
if you dont get the variation, one way round the propb would be to work at your cousins house as a nanny for 2 months until the baby is 1. it would be nothing to do with ofsted then.

10-11-2009, 10:55 PM
When I had the complaint made against me the inspector decided it was a good idea to change my certificate to cover the early years register as i was inspected last year so had an old certificate.

My certificate reads:

The registered person
May care for no more than 5 children under 8 years; of these, not more than 3 may be in the Early Years age group, and of these, not more than 2 may be under 2 years at any one time (Early years Register, compulsary part of the register)

Must not provide overnight care etc etc.

I read this as i am allowed to look after 2 under 1 if i had the enquiry and the space this was issued in October so i was under the opinion that this is the new early year rules.

11-11-2009, 07:18 PM
To be honest I would be surprised if you were ready to go by feb if you have only just had your pre-reg. More likely your cousins baby will be at least 12 months and then there will be no problem. xxx

11-11-2009, 08:19 PM
I'm allowed to look after 4 mindees under 8, 3 of those can be under 5 years old and out of those 3 mindees no more than 2 can be under 18 months. I dont know if the CSSIW are different to OFSTED regulations.

Emma xx

11-11-2009, 09:57 PM
I'm allowed to look after 4 mindees under 8, 3 of those can be under 5 years old and out of those 3 mindees no more than 2 can be under 18 months. I dont know if the CSSIW are different to OFSTED regulations.

Emma xx

CSSIW are very different to OFSTED:laughing: and ratios are diffferent.

12-11-2009, 10:55 AM
speak to your pre-reg inspector at the visit. I am fairly newly registered ( sept) and my cert states i may care for no more than 5 under 8 ............of which no more than 2 may be under 1 year. Its unusual i know but it does happen. My inspector was happy i had the space , experience etc. Its worth asking , much easier than trying to get a variation which i understand they are clamping down on at the moment.
If the meeting you went to was your briefing you will be pushing it to be registered by february as someone else said , but you can get round it if you work at your cousins house for a short while , until registered and until the baby turns 1.

12-11-2009, 12:56 PM
A childminder in my area has aplied for a variation so she can have her friends under 1 as well as her own. As a condition she can only have 4 children in total. Good luck