View Full Version : Safeguarding children policy

08-11-2009, 01:42 PM
Hi All

I have a safeguarding children policy that all parents have signed and also a parental agreement that states I will pass on any concerns regarding a child's welfare to the relevant authority. Then I have an advice sheet from my local early years team stating who to call if I have concerns or queries.

Is this sufficient for an ofsted inspection as I know what is in my policy, I know the signs of abuse and I know who I would call if I was concerned?

I havent got any concerns regarding my children it is just that I have heard from a trainer that I should have a shortcut to a document on my pc with safeguarding infor on it and I dont have this! I have phoned early years and the woman who I spoke to said she would send it over but hasnt. GOnna try another woman tomorrow but just wanted clarification from you kind people. :) Want to make sure I am doing this right for Ofsted inspection!!:(

08-11-2009, 03:19 PM
You need a procedure for what you would do if you thought a child was being abused, including who to call;

You need a procedure for what would happen if an allegation of abuse was made against you, a member of your family or a visitor;

You need a copy of this booklet and the accompanying flow chart -


Hth :D

08-11-2009, 03:36 PM
Thanks Sarah, have got all that so hopefully will be ok.