View Full Version : How to handle enquiries

03-11-2009, 10:09 PM

I will shortly be having my ofsted registration inspection so Im almost at the end although still quite a wait to go. Anyway a friend of a friend of a friend (you know how these things are) recommended me. I got a phone call from the lady today telling me she was interested & could she come & see me. I agreed because its completley clear that I am not yet registered nor have ofsted yet inspected me. Shes fine with this, however she doesnt need a place until Jan 2011. Its a full time place for a baby.

How would you guys handle this??????? Firstly I wont commit to ANYTHING until I am registered. But once I am, what if I agree & then something comes along in the meantime? What if I have to turn people away because Ive got that booking for January? Also Im unsure about numbers, I know I can take 1 under 12 months, but then I get hazy. Would you get her to sign contracts or keep it casual so that I could cancel if I needed to? Would you take a deposit at this stage?

Its my first enquiry so Im going to have lots of questions. I was nervous on the phone when she called. The experience of meeting a parent will be good for me.

Thanks for your help everyone - Please dont think Im bad for considering cancelling - I just need the money, scared to turn anyone away I suppose.


03-11-2009, 10:32 PM

I will shortly be having my ofsted registration inspection so Im almost at the end although still quite a wait to go. Anyway a friend of a friend of a friend (you know how these things are) recommended me. I got a phone call from the lady today telling me she was interested & could she come & see me. I agreed because its completley clear that I am not yet registered nor have ofsted yet inspected me. Shes fine with this, however she doesnt need a place until Jan 2011. Its a full time place for a baby.

How would you guys handle this??????? Firstly I wont commit to ANYTHING until I am registered. But once I am, what if I agree & then something comes along in the meantime? What if I have to turn people away because Ive got that booking for January? Also Im unsure about numbers, I know I can take 1 under 12 months, but then I get hazy. Would you get her to sign contracts or keep it casual so that I could cancel if I needed to? Would you take a deposit at this stage?

Its my first enquiry so Im going to have lots of questions. I was nervous on the phone when she called. The experience of meeting a parent will be good for me.

Thanks for your help everyone - Please dont think Im bad for considering cancelling - I just need the money, scared to turn anyone away I suppose.


Its all new territory to you and no-one would think you 'bad' for considering all your options.

First of all is the baby born yet? If no you cannot take a retainer an unborn
2011 is a VERY long way off and to 'reserve' a space is not going to be financially viable for the parent (unless they are the Beckhams by any chance?)

You have to put your business head on and think about whats good for you - explain to the parent that the retainer/deposit you would need to take for the space is not feasible (IMO) and that if they want to come back and see you again in July/Sept 2010 and reserve the space if one is available at that point they are more than welcome.
You are going to have to keep one space open for over a year or perhaps just under a year and ideally you would take half of the fees as a retainer:eek: or a substantial deposit.
But you could put them on a 'waiting list'?

Think I am waffling now (long long day sorry)

Curly Quavers
03-11-2009, 10:34 PM
Jan 2011 that is planning ahead for you.

When you are just starting out it is hard to turn away any kind of work.

If she wants you she needs to pay a sizable non refundable deposit. (I think)

03-11-2009, 10:41 PM
I think it is such a long way away, that I would meet her and if she is interested, tell her that there is the option to sign and pay a retainer once the baby is born, if you are happy to not work and take a reduced amount of money, or just say that obviously given the timescales you will keep her informed if the places are needed for other children, and you can then review what to do next.

It is too difficult for anyone to predict that far in advance what vacancies if any you will have, you could have had a few children come and go in that time. I would explain that there is plenty of time and it is probably best to wait until nearer the time to make a firm plan.

03-11-2009, 10:49 PM
I think it is such a long way away, that I would meet her and if she is interested, tell her that there is the option to sign and pay a retainer once the baby is born, if you are happy to not work and take a reduced amount of money, or just say that obviously given the timescales you will keep her informed if the places are needed for other children, and you can then review what to do next.

It is too difficult for anyone to predict that far in advance what vacancies if any you will have, you could have had a few children come and go in that time. I would explain that there is plenty of time and it is probably best to wait until nearer the time to make a firm plan.

thats what I was trying to say:rolleyes:

Chatterbox Childcare
03-11-2009, 11:07 PM
Do you mean 2010? If it is 2011 I would ask her to contact you again closer to the time. You may be full by then. Baby may not be conceived yet.