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View Full Version : I broke my baby mindee

29-10-2009, 07:46 PM
Oh dear, lo has only just turned one and is cruising around, he was pulling to stand today and stumbled and bumped his forehead on the edge of the conservatory door:( :( He has a large bump and a indentation line down the middle, I feel awful.

He is going on his first holiday on Thursday too, so all his pics he will have a bruised head:(

29-10-2009, 08:17 PM
Please dont feel too bad. babies at that stage in developement are always having knocks and bumps, it doesnt matter how much you try and prevent them and we all do try, it happens.How were the parents about it? I bet they didnt blame you.

29-10-2009, 08:22 PM
Please dont feel too bad. babies at that stage in developement are always having knocks and bumps, it doesnt matter how much you try and prevent them and we all do try, it happens.How were the parents about it? I bet they didnt blame you.

Dad collected and he is always laid back, said he was surprised this was his first bump. but I know mum won't be chuffed:(

29-10-2009, 08:22 PM
Oh poor little soul I bet he wailed!

Parents should try arnica - it will help the bruising.

Hugs xx

29-10-2009, 08:30 PM
Its really horrible when they have accidents - especially their 1st.

Hope his bruise isn't too bad. I have hear of what Sarah recommends - its supposed to be really good:)

29-10-2009, 08:36 PM
He had arnica on it straight away and mum has some at home, the wee soul only cried till I picked him up and then smiled at me, bless.

Mum just off phone, was worried cos he didn't eat his tea and wondered if she should take him to docs, but he didn't eat lunch well today either long before his bump and he's had a cough so think it's probably that.

This job can be stressful sometimes can't it!

29-10-2009, 08:56 PM
all in a days work :laughing:

29-10-2009, 09:47 PM
It is awfull when they get hurt, but as Dragonfly has said the LO's at this stage are very vunerable. Dont feel bad although I know its hard :)

29-10-2009, 11:37 PM
I have one of this age too and I also felt awful when he had his first bump with me but Mum is so laid back (he's youngest of 4) she kept saying don't worry and she was surprised he hadn't had more!
The last time it happened was a bump on the chin the day before his birthday so i was also thinking 'oh no the photos will be spoilt!' but Mum was fine about it and said they weren't celebrating his birthday until the Sunday anyway when family were coming over (it happened on the Weds)
Don't feel bad, it would be a very unusual 1 year old who managed to get by without any bumps!
Sounds like he may also be a first baby and I think parents are always a bit more sensitive first time round!

30-10-2009, 07:00 AM
Oh poor little mite

Hope he is ok today lets hope the bruise fades

Angel xx

30-10-2009, 08:06 AM
Hope LO is ok. I always feel really guilty when I hand LOs over and they have a bruise or bump etc. Parents have always been alright though.

(Can I just say that I viewed this post last night with my 12 yr old son next to me - he was rather alarmed by the title!!!:laughing: :laughing: )