View Full Version : compulsory paperwork

julie w
23-10-2009, 09:54 PM
Although I have been childminding for almost 10 years, I still haven't really got my head round all the paperwork that's needed. I do the register, accounts, daily diary (as in home book) and some observations. Sometimes I think it's more difficult for people like myself who have been minding quite a while to get our heads round it than maybe new minders who are taught from the beginning. Anyway, I digress. I'm sure this question must have been asked before, but what is the compulsory paperwork that's legally needed for childminding? I have a huge (really huge) box of notes, papers etc, and have decided to get down to it all on Sunday. So I thought if I could initially make sure I have covered everything that is legally and essentially required, I could then build on that. I hope this makes sense. I'd be so grateful because I know I should have done it sooner, but better late than never (I think!!)Thankyou.xx.

23-10-2009, 10:04 PM
:D You need:
risk assessments
the policies and procedures it mentions in the EYFS - it does say that you do not need written P&P's BUT think about how you are going to prove to Ofsted that you tell each parent exactly the same thing - plus any other additional P&P's
You need your child record forms/contracts/attendance etc
Fire Drill Log
Register with Enviro Health (the pack is also very good for 'proving' what you do - better business safer food for childminders - from the food standards agency)

The best advice I can give is read your EYFS - highlight areas that you want to concentrate on

also Sarah707's e-books available from her website

24-10-2009, 07:23 AM
These 2 threads will give you information as well :D



Chatterbox Childcare
24-10-2009, 10:38 AM
Don't just do one risk assessment for outings, do one for each outing you go on

julie w
24-10-2009, 05:33 PM
These 2 threads will give you information as well :D



Thankyou. I can't see this site as it states I do not have permission. :(

24-10-2009, 05:57 PM
Sorry! I was rushing this morning :o

Try here for the 1st one -


The 2nd one should open - let me know if it doesn't work :D