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14-10-2009, 08:15 AM
She is coming tomorrow!:eek:

Spent last night putting safety film on the windows. OH putting locks on the kitchen cupboards (we are a small child free household so its been a big job)
And now i am cleaning the house until i cant clean any more. By the time she gets here at 9am tomorrow i will be fit for nowt.

Tols OH and DD#2 to "if you want something put it back when you have finished. and if you find something in a strange place (eg all the cleaning stuff now in locked landing cupboard and not understairs) put it back where you find it"

will it work?

i can see dust from here....................:panic:

14-10-2009, 08:27 AM
Know how you feel I was there a few weeks ago. I am sure you'll be fine, just think about how you will celebrate when she has been and gone.

Good luck


14-10-2009, 05:05 PM
Have you cleaned behind the fridge yet... she might want to look! :panic: :laughing:

relax, you'll be fine! :D

Tam's Tribe
14-10-2009, 05:44 PM
Have you cleaned behind the fridge yet... she might want to look! :panic: :laughing:

relax, you'll be fine! :D

Sarah, you are a meanie :D

With all this cleaning, just make sure you completely understand the EYFS, have your policies & procedures, permission forms and risk assessments done (dont forget routine ones like school run, trips to the park, in car on public transport, etc) and do the pre-reg form (these are even more important than a house that shines!!!).

You will be fine, relax!

Good Luck!


14-10-2009, 08:53 PM
I did loads of cleaning and sorting things out for mine and TBH i need not have tried so hard! lol

She just had quick look asked few questions and looked at policies etc and that was it.:thumbsup:

Good luck

14-10-2009, 09:07 PM
Good luck - hope it goes well

Miffy xx

Mrs Book
14-10-2009, 09:12 PM
Another one who has been cleaning madly. Be running around tomorrow night with the vac and cleaning kitchen & bathroom again. Making sure my son's bedroom is tidy as that is where they will be sleeping.

I was told I didn't need my policies & procedures. Have a few done but not many. Doesn't help that my printer has decided to give up the ghost. So if she wants to see them she will have to look on my computer :)

14-10-2009, 11:10 PM
Don't want to upset you but my pre-reg inspector hardly looked around (didn't even go upstairs!) and I had spent the day before cleaning like crazy! :rolleyes: She did ask where I kept my cleaning products and alcohol.

As for policies etc, I had mine done but she only really looked at the main ones - Safeguarding children, sickness policy, complaints policy and I think the equal opportunities one. She was very impressed that I had done them but said that it wouldn't have mattered if I hadn't, as long as I was aware of what I would need to do.

I had a really lovely inspector - I wanted to bribe her to come back for my first grading one but thought I would probably get into trouble. :D

Good luck and let us know how you get on. :thumbsup:

15-10-2009, 12:03 AM
Good luck! :)