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13-10-2009, 11:52 AM
Help I've lost one of mindees new shoes. I've retraced my steps twice and no luck.

Has this happened to anyone else? and if you were the parent would you expect me to replace??


Chatterbox Childcare
13-10-2009, 11:54 AM
Yes and yes I did..

13-10-2009, 11:57 AM
I haven't done it but yes I would offer to replace

LOL maybe you could offer her HALF :D after all you only lost ONE shoe :p :laughing:

13-10-2009, 11:57 AM
Don't panic it may turn up, perhaps its in the house somewhere, do you know where you last saw it? Someone may have picked it up.
I'm not sure if I would expect you to replace it but they are so expensive, how new are they?

13-10-2009, 11:59 AM
Have you done any school runs today, I once lost a mindees shoe and someone had handed it in to school. If I did lose a shoe I wouldn't offer to replace it as it could just as easily have been lost if the child was out and about with parents, young children are forever kicking shoes off and you don't notice, it's just one of the joys of parenting

13-10-2009, 12:24 PM
I lost a mindees shoe, but luckily enough when i went to retrace my steps back to the school they were just putting it in the window, to see if anyone came for it!!!

13-10-2009, 01:05 PM
Yep this happened to me in the summer when mindee proudly wore his brand new sandals. When I got back from the school run and got him out of his buggy he only had one on! Mum was not very happy and I offered to replace but she said not to worry.
Luckily the pre-school found it a couple of days later behind their storage shed next to where I park the pushchair!

Yours may still turn up yet...fingers crossed x

13-10-2009, 01:11 PM
I didn't lose a shoe but when we first had the dog he got hold of one of the kids shoes and chewed the strap in half:eek: I checked how much the shoes were on line and gave the money to the parent when she came. She was fine about it and didn't want the money but i insisted as i felt awful.

Happily the dog has gone past the shoe fettish stage now:laughing:

13-10-2009, 09:27 PM
I haven't done it but yes I would offer to replace

LOL maybe you could offer her HALF :D after all you only lost ONE shoe :p :laughing:

Very funny not sure mum would have been as amused as me.:laughing:

Shoe found panic over. :jump for joy:

Found out they only brought them yesterday so I'm glad it turned up or I would have felt obliged to replace them.

She is always taking shoes and socks off so I think I will stick to using cosy toes on buggy from now on and leave shoes at home or in changing bag. She has only just learnt to walk so currently spends most of her time being pushed about unless indoors.


14-10-2009, 06:02 AM
Phewwwwwwwww glad the shoe has been found!

I have a 10 month old at the moment who pulls socks off, must find my cosy toes too!

14-10-2009, 06:10 AM
I have a child that does this all the time and is now almost 3

Never lost a shoe yet though

Glad you found the shoe

Angel xx

14-10-2009, 09:31 AM
i lost shoe last week went kicking leaves on park put her back in pram the shoe was on then 5 min walk from mhouse no shoe :panic: walked up and down road still no shoe, explained to parents her reply dont worry did you have a good time kicking leaves she was brill just shows some parents are good :clapping:

14-10-2009, 08:55 PM
when me oldest was with her childminder my daughter took off one of her brand new shoes and threw it out of the pushchair without my minder noticing. They were literally bought that weekend from Clarks yikes!

My minder explained that they had retraced their steps twice that day and they simply could not find it and she really sorry, when I got there the next day there was a brand new pair waiting for my daughter to replace the new shoes.

I told her to keep the new shoes in the box and keep the receipt. To keep an eye out on the school run in case it turned up and if no sign of the shoe after the weekend then I will give her half the cost of the new shoes with her.

Fortunately someone found the shoe and put it in a place for people to easily see and her hubby found it when walking the dog. So she returned the shoes she bought and everyone was relieved and very happy.

glad your shoe was found as well and for the record thing childrens shoes are massively overpriced - It scares me seeing new shoes - just in case loL!

14-10-2009, 08:58 PM
She is always taking shoes and socks off so I think I will stick to using cosy toes on buggy from now on and leave shoes at home or in changing bag.


I would too or it might be costly for you!

Glad the shoe turned up

Miffy xx