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10-10-2009, 11:08 PM
hi all on monday i have my 1st interview to mind 2 sibling mindees, can any1 help me with giving discounts for siblings and everything else, what i need etc :).

11-10-2009, 08:15 AM
I used to give sibling disocunt but dont anymore. They still eat the same amount of food, use the same craft materials, require just as much watching as each other etc. You could maybe say that you give sibling discount if over so many hours, maybe full time.

Have your portfolio out for the parents to look at. Have some toys/colouring stuff out for the kids.

I do this but everyone is different -
Welcome them in and show them through to the front room
Ask them if they would like a hot or cold drink, then present them with my portfolio while I go and do the drink.
Come back in with the drinks, hand them to them then get down to the child's level and play with them but remember some may play and some may be shy so just go with the flow and dont be offended or think you look bad if they do not want to play
When they have finished browsing through the portfolio, I ask if they know what hours and days they need
Then just follow their lead in regards to what they want to discuss

Some will leave it at that as they are just gathering information at this stage. Others will discuss their childs routines and likes etc with you.

Otherwise, just relax and be yourself.

Good luck:thumbsup:

11-10-2009, 08:21 AM
i give sibling discount and wish i hadnt but im only minding a month and its a learning curve
its up to u really
hope tomorrow goes well :)

11-10-2009, 09:46 AM
I dont do a sibling discount in general, but if one sibling is full time and the other is before and after school, then if they want holiday care I will do a slightly cheaper rate for the 6 hours in the middle when they would have been at school and add this to my term amount to get a day amount.

11-10-2009, 09:57 AM
If you have already mentioned a sibling discount then just knock of 50p an hour for the child thats with you the shortest amount of time, otherwise you may be in the situation that you will want to put your prices up in the future.

11-10-2009, 04:46 PM
You don't have to give a discount for siblings - I don't, as each child takes up a place.

Good luck - hope it goes well for you

Miffy xx

11-10-2009, 05:42 PM
I only do a discount of 20p per hour for the eldest child only, as they will in theory (if you do term-time only) be with you the shortest amount of time :thumbsup: