View Full Version : activity for 16 month old boys???

03-10-2009, 09:17 PM
I have my own 16 month old and I have just taken on a little boy 1 week younger. I am just wondering if anyone has any tips or ideas for stuff to do with them?

Suggestions for each area of learning would be fantastic.

03-10-2009, 10:11 PM
Books - can cover lots of areas in EYFS as well as CLL, counting PSRN, about people, animals KUW, feelings PSRN plus other things

Puzzles - again many areas

Messy fun - painting, messy food, shaving foam again covers many areas.

Toy tools - covers many areas again

Visiting park, shops - learning about the environment etc


04-10-2009, 03:06 PM
thanks Carol, I am already doing this stuff so I must be doing something right!

I am struggling for creative stuff for this age group. Right now they are doing the same as the 4 year old just making more mess about it!