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View Full Version : Do you feel you have to justify yourself...

29-09-2009, 11:05 AM
...if you send a child home because they're ill?

I've just sent an 11 month old home. Mum phoned me last night to say he was under the weather, had been to the GP who said it was a virus. I said if he had a good night & she thought he was OK to come, she could still bring him today. She said to phone her if there were any problems or if I thought he'd be better off at home.

He was here for a couple of hours, but really not well, so I phoned her to collect him. She was perfectly fine about it - apologised for messing me around & thanked me for trying.

So, why did I feel the need to justify myself to her? She didn't need an explanantion, but I waffled on about not wanting others to fall ill, not being able to devote all my time to him, didn't think he should be out on all the nursery/school runs etc.

Are you the same, or do you just send them home without a second thought? In over 12 years it's only the second time I've ever sent a child home. Now I know why - I'm rubbish at it :laughing:

29-09-2009, 11:10 AM
No i don't feel the need to justify myself, but i do think your parent should justify to you why she brought the child in the first place after admitting they had a virus!!


29-09-2009, 11:12 AM
My problem is when I send them home and parents say 'oh they were fine, no problem'... like I'm a liar :rolleyes:

After years of dealing with it and knowing they are usually fibbing, I just smile and say 'good, that's great, all better then after being at home with mummy' :D

29-09-2009, 11:17 AM
I find it depends on the parents. Some I have questions everything, where others would fetch there child at the drop of a hat.

29-09-2009, 11:23 AM
I know exactly how you feel - I always feel the same! Yes the parent should justify themselves really but they don't and often say as Sarah says they were perfectly fine when they got home! (when you know there is no way they could have been really!)

Parents sometimes (not always some are good at collecting) think with a following wind and if they switch their mobile off! they can get through a days work!

29-09-2009, 12:24 PM
I think we tend to justify things to show our professionalism. Its good since we have obviously assessed the situation and thought about the welfare of others in our care. It demonstrates to parents how we would be thinking in the event of a child, not theirs, being ill. I am sure they appreciate it.