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View Full Version : been on an unsuccesful buggy hunt!

28-09-2009, 06:32 PM
ive been to a local second hand nursery shop today looking for a double buggy, i had in mind that i wanted a tandem but the lady showed me a few they had in and they were so heavy and big! (gracos) i really dont think i could manage to lift it into the car. she then showed me a side by side mothercare which was nice, i measured the wheels and said i would go back and buy it if it fits through my front door and it doesnt!! about 3cm too wide. was gutted.

What was funny tho was that she said oh i have a cheap one if you want that, it was only £20. she said it had been owned by a childminder, she brought it out and it was completley k******d! lol.

28-09-2009, 06:36 PM
My double won't go through my back door - but it will fit in the conservatory :D

28-09-2009, 06:38 PM
Ive not had any doubles that fit through my door either, my present one has to go out the patio doors

little miss chatterbox
28-09-2009, 06:39 PM
i have a mamas and papas aria and I love it!

it's not umbrella fold but it folds flat so it goes in my 7 seater with all the seats up coz it just slips in at the back.