View Full Version : Updating policies in line with EYFS

24-09-2009, 08:51 AM
I spent all evening last night revamping and printing off revised policies and then read somewhere that Ofsted only require 2 written policies....think it was something like staying healthy and keeping safe?

I thought what a great opportunity to combine all my individual policies into 2 easy to read documents.....then I suddenly had a horrible thought that I must have made it up because I can't find reference to it :eek:

Have I been dreaming or is this correct?

Then I am thinking about Every Child Matters and how I could organise my policies around that.......totally confused!

24-09-2009, 08:56 AM
Ofsted do not require any written policies for Eyfs -

2 for childcare register - complaints procedure and safeguarding.

However you must be able to demonstrate how you inform parents about all your policies and procedures... and the only way to effectively do that is to write them down.

My operational plan is in free downloads at the top of the forum - it might help you with where to put things :D

25-09-2009, 07:02 PM
sarah beat me to it, apart from the bit about having an operational policy in the downloads bit of course!!!:D :D