View Full Version : contracts and nursery fees

19-09-2009, 05:37 PM
hi i intend to charge whilst the child i care for is at nursery in the mornings but how do i put this on the contract, do i put that she is here 8am -6pm as normal then put a sentance in the other box stating when she is at nursery? if so what do i write and how do it write it so it means i am still getting paid when shes at nursery?

20-09-2009, 02:35 PM
I think it is pretty much standard that as you are dropping her off and picking her up (and presumably on call if the school has to close or something) then you can't fill that space and therefore you need to charge.
The place should be funded anyway, so it's not like the parents will be having to pay twice over.
Have you got this in your fees and payments policy? If not put it in, and as long as the parents are clear with this just make a note on the contract like you mentioned.