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14-09-2009, 11:39 AM
:( Yet another problem with my 2 yo mindee!!

It has got to the point now where i dont know whether i can childmind at all if this is how it is constantly going to be!!

The mindee I have is one of three siblings....he's the middle aged one!! It has come to the point where anything i ask him to do starts a horrific tantrum!!

We have tidy up time....tantrum which consists of screaming and shouting at me and throwing himself on the floor.
Dinnertime....tantrum....wont eat anything other than biscuits or yoghurt!! If its not that its tantrum time!!
Activities....anything i set up he doesnt want to play with he points to the tv and asks for cbeebies...when i dont turn it on....tantrum time
Free play.....i get out a few different types of toys...again all he wants is the tv so uses the toys as missiles and when we talk about why he cant do that....tantrum time!!!

I have tried everything.......talking to him...thinking time....toyus put away....ignoring....al of which causes another tantrum!!!

I really need someones help as I am scared to take on any more mindees as i just dont think i could cope!!

I just dont know what he is allowed to do at home to be like this!!! To mkae matters worse his mum is on holiday now for two weeks leaving his nana to pick up and drop off and i dont really want to approach her about it!!

Help :(

14-09-2009, 11:49 AM
You don't say how long you have been putting up with this but it cetainly needs addressing soon. I would talk to mum as soon as she is off from holiday and say that you are concerned about his behaviour and tell her the impact that it must be having on other children. You need to either sort out a way forward with mum to manage his behaviour or give notice. We are not here to just take on other peoples problems without them taking responsibility too.

You sound like you are doing things right - you are not asking him to do anything unreasonable so it needs sorting asap

14-09-2009, 11:51 AM
I mind a 2 year old who also has major tantrums all the time. I only have him 1 day a week (which I'm happy about). When he goes into a tantrum I take him to the bottom of the stairs and explain that when he stops his silly noise he can come and play. I then ignore him until he calms down.

It seems to be working, he doesn't always sit on the bottom step but stays in the hallway.

14-09-2009, 11:59 AM
Get out of the house for as much as possible so you can get to know him better, find out what he enjoys doing with his siblings.Have you got any woods nearby where you could go stick collecting, mark make in the mud, If you are out then the tv is not an option.Have you a toddler group or childrens centre nearby where he can learn to eat snack time with others and do messy play. I would give it a go as being outside tantrums are more easily ignored and there are more distractions other than the tv.

14-09-2009, 03:45 PM
You don't say how long you have been putting up with this but it cetainly needs addressing soon.

Sorry I should have said....ive been having him for about 4 weeks now. Its 5 hours each day 3 days a week!!

He's here from 9:45am until 14:45pm.

We have been going out quite alot but he gets tired very easily and that makes his tantrums worse!!!

I think all he must do at home is watch tv because thats all he's wanting to do here:(

14-09-2009, 04:30 PM
What a nightmare! Did you have any starting points from the mum when he started? A questionaire on what his routine was at home and what he enjoys doing?
If not I would get one done asap when the mum comes back (all about me form) and try to ask mum how often he does watch the TV.
We had a child like that at pre-school but was a bit older (4yrs). He would have huge tantrums and be violent with other children and the adults!
Later on we found out that the parents just let him watch TV all day as it 'Kept him quiet' :(
The best thing to do with this child is to basically say your TV is broken and you can't watch anything, find out what other things he likes to do and go on from there.
And when it all gets too much, get out of the house for a walk or a drive! Sounds like he does not get much sleep either :(