View Full Version : planning !!!

14-09-2009, 10:26 AM
hi guys,

i just want to find out how you do your planning, when i first started back in april, i forward planned for a month, did planning for over 2's and planning for under 2's. but this doesn't seem to be working, partly to do with time, it just flys and before i know it i'm 2 weeks late doing any planning for that month and also because most of my children are babies/tiddlers and i find it hard to sit and forward plan things. What i have been doing for the last couple of months is doing different various things with them each day/week (following interesrs) and taking lots of pics that then go into there diarys, learning journals and photo albums, this way i have lots of evidence but currently don't have something on display with stuff i have forward planned. Is this ok or not? how do you guys do your planning esp if its babies/young ones you look after?


14-09-2009, 12:10 PM
I don't do lots of planning for the very little ones. I have an individual planning sheet for them which i update every three months or so with their likes and dislikes and how i am tailoring activities to suport their interests.

I do a more general group planmning document at the beginning of each month which provides ideas for arts and crafts, outings etc - which isn't always adhered to snce, as you will know, the children often have a mind of their own when it comes to what they want to do!

It sounds like you have lots of child lead activities and you are observing their development etc so i am sure you are doing fine. What works for one isn't always the right thing for everyone.

14-09-2009, 12:29 PM
That sounds perfect!

You are seeing what the child enjoys / does etc and planning for her learning and development.

So long as you are showing that in your paperwork Ofsted will be happy :D