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View Full Version : Shift work, unsure what to do??

27-08-2009, 12:31 PM
Hi, my mindees mum is a nurse, mindee has been with me since June, lovely lo and mum is great :)
Mum was doing bank work when we first started and the shifts where all over the place but it was fine as she was my only one and it was only until mum got a permanent position anyway mum has now got a permanent contract and she starts next week.
When she first came to see me she said that the hours would be as and when to start off with but then it would be a 4 week rota full-time, I said this would be fine :)
Mum came last night to pick up lo and I had to ask her when she needed me next week thinking it would be full-time over 3 x 13.5 hour days but she said I am working Mon, Thurs and Fri but E wants K one day(I have no idea who E is) so you pick which days are best for you :eek:
So it looks like I am only having her for 27 hours per week but I am actually holding a full-time place open for her :angry:
And I think she is claiming tax credits for full-time hours!!!!!!
If someone else is looking after lo I need to know what she is doing with her don't I ?????

I need to ask her about this but I don't want to come across in the wrong way as she is my main income at the minute, but then I could be losing out on another mindee at some point!!!
Any advice will be so much appreciated, I don't know what i would do without you :) x x x

27-08-2009, 01:18 PM
if E is another childminder then yes you will need to communicate but if E is a friend or family member they will not being following EYFS so no need to make the contact (or atleast this is my take on it).

I have shift workers and it seems to work well as their shifts fit around eachother though in different work places. it isnt very often that i've had to request for one to make alternative arrangements due to my numbers but all know that they can have flexi hours if I have them available. all are afterschool care only too so kinda not really taking up a fullt time day slot and 2 are now over 8.

I would make her aware that if a fulltime child comes along preference would be given to that child as its regular booked in hours.

27-08-2009, 01:22 PM
what does it state in your contract? as she now has a permanent position i would suggest a new contract, tell her its for insurance purposes and as you've had a few enquiries you need to know which days you have available ;) , if you still want to be flexible for her insist that she pays you a minimum amount (ie; 27 hrs) per week , hth :)

27-08-2009, 02:11 PM
I have worked with shift workers quite a lot over the years. It has worked better sometimes to negotiate a minimum fee per week in order to compromise on the possible loss of other work. Could this work for you?

27-08-2009, 07:02 PM
I don't thinK E is another minder, we are supposed to be doing new contracts next week but I need to get in my head what I am going to say regarding my fees if she only wants me for the 27 hours per week.

I feel like I won't be able to take on another mindee as I am pretty much holding Mon-Fri open for her :( but only getting paid for 27 :(
I hope I have made sense :) x x x

Chimps Childminding
27-08-2009, 07:18 PM
Could you get her to pay full for the 3 days she uses, and half for the other 2 days? explaining that as you need to keep 5 days open for her you cannot fill the other 2!

28-08-2009, 07:29 AM
I had a mum who worked 3 days on and 3 days off which meant I was holding a full time space for a maximum use of 3 days. I got fed up with it and told her I would be charging a half retainer for the days (Mon to Fri) she didn't attend. She has now handed her notice in and is getting a relative to have the child. Although I have lost the child I now have a full time space available which hopefully I will fill soon.

30-08-2009, 10:01 AM
I had the same problem with a mum who only wanted 15 hours per week. Then some weeks I had lo 45 hours others not at all, but she kept within her monthly hours, so only paid 15 hours each week. Told mum she would have to fix hours to set days, explained that I had 50 working hours per week and she only paid for 15 of them. She was pregnant as well so wanted flexi hours for 2 children. She played all the emotional cards, lo had been with me from 6 mths (was my first one), had a strop etc. I told her that I had bills to pay and my own children to think of,that was my priority. Took a good look at my policies and terms and conditions and changed a lot. Explained that if she wanted to keep all days open she would have to pay as she was preventing me from earning for 35 hours each week. She came round in the end and fixed her days, I am flexible within those days as regards hours. Think she made enquiries at some nurseries and was shocked that they would charge way more than me. I learned a lot from that mistake. Now it states in my terms and conditions how I charge for retained hours. It was only an enquiry from another parent that made me take a serious look at what I was doing.

Hope you get sorted.

30-08-2009, 10:17 AM
my 2 year old mindee's mum also works various hours various days, no 2 weeks are the same.

as C takes up a full time space she pays for a full time space, some weeks i have her 5 days some weeks 3 days, and i have even had her 9 days on the trot :panic:

30-08-2009, 12:53 PM
Thanks for your replies everyone, I have got to sort this today!!!!!
If I charge her for the full-time place she is taking up(which I think I should do) it will approx be another £50 per week!!!:eek:
I need to tell her this but how do I explain it to her without sounded pushing,greedy etc??????
I am rubbish at this sort of thing :mad:
I don't want to lose this lo but I feel as though I am being taken for granted
:( x x x

30-08-2009, 01:23 PM
Hi, I would say something along the lines of, you have been reviewing your own finances and businness and have caluculated that you really do need to be working a min of xxx hours a week. That if she were part time, but set part times hours it would be fine as you could jigsaw another part timer in with her lo, but because she needs changing hours she is taking a full time space.
Explain you love looking after lo and really like working for her but that you need to be earning a certain amount ( just like anyone else), so you will need to charge her for a minimum of xxx hours a week.
Now you may lose her - if she can find someone who will only charge for hours used - but it's no good if you feel put upon and taken advantage of - one reason why I have never taken on shift workers - less hours suit some people just not me.
Good luck.