View Full Version : Nursery World article

21-08-2009, 02:28 PM
I don't know if this has been posted elsewhere, but I thought people might be interested in an article in this weeks Nursery World (20th August 2009), which is about Ofsteds requirements for childminders regarding paperwork such as policies, observations etc. I intend to copy it, and keep it with my portfolio, so if my DW complains about my short notes, I will show her this!:)

(I don't know if it vcan be accessed on line - their web address is www.nurseryworld.co.uk )

21-08-2009, 03:14 PM
I haven't read mine yet, I must catch up on my reading! :rolleyes:

Thank you for bringing it to my attention... Nursery World usually publish most of their articles on their website. You just have to join :D

21-08-2009, 03:31 PM
Ooh thankyou mine is still buried under yesterday's mail.

21-08-2009, 03:59 PM
Ok, read it.

It is very similar to other things I have recently read from Ofsted about paperwork.

However the article bears no relation whatsoever to inspection reports you can read on the Ofsted website.

Just look at a few I've pulled up from last week...

To further improve the early years provision the registered person should:

establish systems for sharing relevant information with practitioners from the other settings that children attend

develop the records of learning and development for each child to include photographs, things that children have made or drawn and information gathered from parents

ensure assessments are used systematically to identify the next steps in learning for each child.

extend planning systems to ensure activities fully cover all areas of learning in order to support children’s progress towards all the early learning goals

extend the range of information gathered from parents in order to identify children’s individual needs and routines and to be able to provide the best learning opportunities for children

develop further the systems for self-evaluation to identify the priorities for development that will improve the quality of the provision for all children.

continue to develop assessment systems in order to match the observations of children to the expectations of the learning goals and to identify learning priorities for each child

continue to develop the systems for self-evaluation and monitoring of the provision to further enhance children's welfare and development

further develop partnership working by sharing information with parents about the Early Years Foundation Stage and offering support for extending learning in the home

So how do you do all of that and show evidence to your inspector that you have done it with minimal paperwork then? :(

24-08-2009, 07:34 AM
When I read it, it did cross my mind that they should give a copy to every inspection officer, :D