View Full Version : How long does it take till registerd??

12-08-2009, 02:08 PM
hi all, i am waiting on the post man every morning in hope that my registration certificate will be in the post!!! and thers still nothing!! i had my first visit in May, my second visit in july, my form to sign if i agree with ratios etc 2 weeks ago and still no certificate!!!! how long does it usually take??

my care commission officer told me to get my public liability insurance in place for begining of july aswell!!!! so thatl be 2 months wasted by time im actually registered!!!! soo annoying how it takes sooo long!!! i was hoping to start minding next friday aswell when the schools go back!!!! xx

Princess Sara
12-08-2009, 02:12 PM
Took me 9 months from posting the application form til receiving my certificate.

12-08-2009, 02:14 PM
9 months?!?!?! gees id have been on the verge of giving up lol!!!

i was told that after my last visit it would only take 2 weeks till i get my documentation thru the post. its been a month now!!! :( ive just emailed my cc officer to see if she can shed any light on the hold up xx

green puppy
12-08-2009, 02:26 PM
I had my ofsted pre reg visit in april and had my certificate in june. Had sent all forms off in march so not bad really, their target time is usually 12 weeks so on time for me.:)

12-08-2009, 03:41 PM
just looked back and i sent all my stuff off in march too :(

got an automated reply from my c.c. officer and shes on a 3 week holiday!!!!!!! that explains the hold up!!! my second visit was delayed as she was on a 2 week holiday!!!!! how many holidays do they get?!?!?!?!

think ill maybe just phone up as shell have 3 weeks of work to wade thru before she gets round to sending off my certificate no doubt :(

12-08-2009, 05:47 PM
Had my pre reg inspection in Dec, got my certificate end of April!

Good luck!


12-08-2009, 05:51 PM
I had the same prob with the care commission, my cco done my 2nd visit told me he was going to write the report and get my form sent out on the Friday before he went on holiday, on the Monday still nothing I called the cc and told them I was promised my form, they looked into his file said he had missed a bit out and I was to go down to the office the next day to sign.
I was jumping about in the lift when I got my certificate (hope I'm not on CCTV somewhere)
Hope it all goes better for you :thumbsup:
Where in Scotland are you ??

13-08-2009, 09:15 AM
Hi there, I had my pre- inspection in May too!!! and have only just had my Certificate, but all in all it has taken me 5 months....

have they had the CRB`S Back ? as they did say to me on the phone that you will get an Enhance Disclosure through the post, the same day you get that Ofsted also do, then they are ready to process the certificate to send to you...

It horrible waiting for the post every day I was in the same boat.
It took 12 weeks from the day I had my visit to now.

Won`t be long just positive thinking that it will be with you soon :)

Daddy Day Care
13-08-2009, 09:58 AM
I started the process in october, got my certifcate June so 9 months for me also


13-08-2009, 12:25 PM
Hi i sent my paperwork to ofstead at the end of april. They came to do my pre reg visit on the 8th May and i got my certificate on the 15th June.

13-08-2009, 12:34 PM
i got my disclosure scotland through within a week of it being sent off in may so not that holding it up. think is must just be her never ending holidays!!! unless its sick leave right enough. but in that case id have thought someone else would take over the case load?? i phoned yesterday and left a message but no reply as yet.

im on the west coast in kintyre xx