View Full Version : New contract

11-08-2009, 01:00 PM
I have just had my first contract signed today and i just want to make sure i have done everything right as i am a newbie!
signed contract
signed child record form
permission slips
signed to say they have all copies of policies & procedures

Please can anyone let me know if i have missed anything out!
There is so much paperwork it is unbelievable....

11-08-2009, 02:54 PM
Sounds about right...

Do you have you own child information sheet other than the NCMA one? I have a much more detailed one which I give to parents at contract signing for them to take away and fill in.

11-08-2009, 03:05 PM
No,do i need one. What sort of xtra things do i need to put on? sorry probably a stupid question!

11-08-2009, 03:13 PM
Mine is really detailed picture about the child so I have the following sections:

Mealtimes and rough portion sizes
What meals will you provide and what do you need me to provide

Naptime routines
Does child have comforter?
How do you usually settle to sleep and where
How long do you want your child to sleep?
How do you normally wake your child?

How often do you change your childs nappy?
Do you use any special wipes/creams?
Does your child use potty or are they happy to use toilet?

Can your child do own buttons, coats, shoes etc?
Do they need any help?


(also include any fears)

TV Programmes

Normal Daily Routine followed at home

STARTING POINTS (added after Ofsted inspection

This section lists the 6 areas of learning and I ask parents to tell me what their children can do in each of the ares. I've also listed a few prompts for parents who are not aufait with the EYFS such as 'is your child sociable?' 'can you child hold a crayon and make marks' 'does you child like puzzles', etc.

If you want to pm with your email address I can send you a copy which I don't mind you using/adapting if you would like.

13-08-2009, 01:01 PM
Thankyou very much. That was excellent