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View Full Version : potty training advice for my dd

05-08-2009, 12:57 PM
dont know where to post this..so if it needs to be moved feel free.

My dd is 18 months old and at that age I was already dry throughout the day..but wore nappies at night time..
this was obviously a couple of years ago and also in austria..where it seems for some reason (or at least I think so) potty training starts earlier.
but I really dont have a clue about what to do and/or when.

my dd has started to hide behind her play kitchen when she needs to poo...so I thought maybe that is a sign she knows and might be ready? she can go quite a while without a pee in her nappy as well...does that mean anything??

I dont mind when she gets potty trained but I dont want to miss cues from her that she is ready and ignore it....not do I want to start it when she is not ready..

does anyone know what I should be doing???

05-08-2009, 01:21 PM
Do you have a potty available for her? If so does she sit on it at all?
When my children were little I had a potty out from when they could sit by themselves, we used to sit them on it before and after bathtime. Sometimes they would do something in it (at which point we clapped etc) but often did not. This gave them a knowledge of what it was for. My children all pooed in the potty before using it to wee in.
If you catch her hiding for a poo you could always ask her if she wants to try on the potty! but don't push her.
You could try this website ( it was passed on to me by my childminding support officer when I was training a mindee), it's even got colouring pages!!!

Hope this helps :)

05-08-2009, 01:25 PM
yeah I have a potty..i will get it out and see..she used to sit on it before but never did anything so I put it away again..maybe it is time for another try..
definately the pooing behing the kitchen made me think about it again..

will check out the webpage as well..thanks for that!

05-08-2009, 01:30 PM
I don't normally like Gina Ford but her book on potty tarining is fantastic and really tells you how to set about it.

Have a potty about where she can see it. When you go to the toilet take her with you so she can see whats what. Morning and bathtime and at nappy change times, sit her on the potty for a while. If she does anything praise her, if not just pop nappy back on and carry on as normal.

Once she's got into a routine you can probably try without a nappy. Pick a time when you don't have much on so can concentrate on the task in hand. Sit her on the potty regularly, praise when she does something. Sticker charts are a good reward system.

18 months is early for potty training but then ever child is different. DD1 was 2 and a half; as was DD2 but DS was almost 3 and a half (in fact we've been without nappies during daythime for just 2 weeks).

The Juggler
05-08-2009, 06:18 PM
It is early for potty training, but not unheard of if children shows signs. I would just leave the potty about so she can use it if she wants. I know people hate pull ups but these might be the answer so she can help herself to the potty at such a young age.

05-08-2009, 06:44 PM
If she can communicate with you easily it will make life easier too.

My eldest daughter was dry by 19 months, it took 3 days being at home and she never had an accident out of the house.
Day 1 she went without anything on,using a potty.
Day 2 I put knickers on,a couple of accidents and help with knickers.
Day 3 was asking for potty when she needed it.

If she is ready she'll do it quite quickly.

Can I just add that my youngest daughter was 3 1/2 before she was dry, though we were told she had an immature bladder and not to rush her.

Good luck.