View Full Version : Quick - help needed!

04-08-2009, 10:32 AM
I'm planning an event at the centre tomorrow for National PlayDay. Only I would plan a big event smck dab in the middle of my hols! Anyhoo, I am finalising things and getting ready to do shopping and wanted to pick your brains for fantabulous ideas.

The theme is 'Make Time' so I am after ideas for parents to take away that are easy to do at home with their children. We're already doing cooking and junk modelling, building tents and dens, storytime, making shakers, planting, mini beast exploration table and having a picnic.

What things do you guys suggest? I'd like to do something really awesome in the builder's tray, as well.

04-08-2009, 10:33 AM
Oh and does anyone have or know where to find a nature scavenger hunt for kids? I can make on, I guess but thought I'd have a quick look-see. Just like a grid with outdoor items on it as we will be using the entire school grounds.

04-08-2009, 10:34 AM
Bird feeders (we have just done these at drop in this morning) -
pine cone, tie a bit of string to the top, roll it in fat/lard dip it in seed.....

errrm brain has gone blank

04-08-2009, 11:07 AM
Oooh, good idea, Pip. I've done thos ebefore using an apple for the base. Only we used peanut butter to rub on it. Can't be having that. What kind of fat did you use? Can you buy lard at Asda or can you use low-fat marg? Hehe.

04-08-2009, 11:47 AM
We just used marg (low fat of course!!!:D )

Fruit kebabs
Blow painting
sports day - parent and child