View Full Version : Is it just me?

02-08-2009, 06:43 AM
Is it just me - or do other childminders feel totally inadequate when they read most of the posts on this forum? I'm not doing half of what I'm supposed to be doing, according to posts on this forum.

Personally, I feel I'm doing my best (graded Good last inspection) but am totally bogged down when I think about what I could be doing - how do you all have the time to do all the extra paperwork that's required of us.

I'm not interested in getting graded as Outstanding - my main priority is to the children I care for. I can't believe we are now having to do so much more PAPERWORK -


Daddy Day Care
02-08-2009, 08:42 AM
Every childminder runs there business the way that suits them. Some people like to do all the paperwork and feel the need to, others do less.

Theres no need to feel inadeaute, your graded good so you must be donig a fantastic job


02-08-2009, 08:48 AM
I have learnt so much from being on here. I have policies and procedures in place I didnt have before because of these lovely ladies and gents.
I do my paperwork as and when it arises.

02-08-2009, 08:52 AM
Hi Hartley

The best advice Ive got for you is not to compare, everyone works differently, you got a "good" which is above what ofsted expect of you, so youre clearly doing a fab job....I read the posts also and think there are things ive not thought of, couldnt possibly do etc.....honestly along the way you'll pick up some fab ideas and only do them if you want to not because you feel you have to...:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

02-08-2009, 10:08 AM
The posts are here are not intended to make you feel inadequate at all so please do not feel that way, they are here to offer help and guidance to run your business to meet the requirements for EYFS and work within the law.

Like has been said, your grade says you are working as a fantastic childminder and if you don't want to work towards Outstanding then that is fine, just continue as you are because you are obviously doing everything right.:thumbsup:

However, there are some minders who do strive to become Outstanding and they need the information here to help them do that.

Each to his/her own, as they say :)

02-08-2009, 11:13 AM
Hi Hartley. No, it is not just you! When I first started looking for help (about September 08) with the EYFS and some kind of support, I found the forum. I joined at the end of the year!
Well, when you are a member it opens up more- At that time it seemed liked everyone on the site was getting outstandings and I began to feel inadequate and even a failure :blush: (it didn't help that I had an inspection in March and was marked down from a good to satisfactory and I knew I had far more in place than I had ever had- but the inspector nit picked me-I appealed and it was null and voided!!!:clapping: ).
HOWEVER, as I have read more and more I have now noticed that what I perceived a first to be everyone loving their job and things being wonderful for them, is not! We all have days when things don't go well, and we need that extra boost and I would like to thank everybody on the forum for those times!
I am still learning to be confident in what I do and still have times when I feel inadequate but so long as you are doing your best that is all that can be expected of you. Again, so long as the children and parents are happy with what you provide that is what matters, you are doing a great job, providing a service that is not always given the recognition and thanks it deserves (except here on the forum!) :clapping:
Please do not feel inadequate but encouraged. If you feel you want to do more then I'm sure you will find the help you need here!!

Sorry for the long post- but I wanted you to know my experience and how I see things now!!

Hope this helps :blush:


02-08-2009, 11:21 AM
The forum is for help, dont feel like that about yourself, like others have said you do a fantastic job, and your grade reflected that,


02-08-2009, 11:28 AM
Don't worry about having to do loads and loads of paperwork, as long as you cover what Ofsted needs. I do the minimum of paperwork (but initially took some time to put everything in place) so day to day it is easy to implement and I got Outstanding!! so you don't have to write all day to succeed.


02-08-2009, 12:34 PM
Don't worry about having to do loads and loads of paperwork, as long as you cover what Ofsted needs. I do the minimum of paperwork (but initially took some time to put everything in place) so day to day it is easy to implement and I got Outstanding!! so you don't have to write all day to succeed.


Thats so true allie, i do minimum paperwork too, only do about 1 ob per child per month and thats usually a photo one with a couple of links to eyfs on the back! lol. ive done a list of RA that are in a file and never looked at as think they a ridiculous thing to have to do! if there are roads works around i don't think ooh i must write a RA. i just use common sense! policies and procedures are done and are in a file too!
I got a good in my inspection that i am perfectly happy about.

02-08-2009, 12:53 PM
Please don't feel like that. As has been said everyone works differently and some people find admin/paperwork easy and others don't. I do the minimum i have to as like you, the children come first.

This forum has been a godsend for me - mainly for new refreshing ideas for the way to operate my business and things for the children to do.

Keep up the good work!

02-08-2009, 10:48 PM
Thank you all for your answers, each one of them important and valuable!


05-08-2009, 04:16 PM
no its not just you, i have only just registered and the amount of paperwork i have to do just to get going is unbelieveable my own time is gone completely due to it so will beglad once everything has settled and hopefully found my own way of doing things. but still doing things right