View Full Version : Scared I might not get any children!

29-07-2009, 06:43 PM
Need to hand my notice in to my current employers...but just so nervous :panic: I'm so scared I won't get any mindees for ages and I have NO savings to live off and my partner cannot keep both of us. I only work part time (Mon/Tues/Wed am)...maybe I could just find minding work for Thurs/Fri and the w/e...but that's probably not going to be easy to get is it?! I would try and save some £££ but I have none spare!

How does everyone else cope money wise when they are waiting for mindees?

my reg cert is due to be with me within the next month, so I am starting to panic A LOT:panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

Any advice people????

29-07-2009, 06:55 PM
Could I get contribution based JSA?? Should have paid enough NI conts!?....just a thought??

29-07-2009, 07:04 PM
Do you have to hand in notice now? Couldn't you wait until reg cert actually arrives, after all there might be delays or a problem with documents (knowing Ofsted!!) I just got my cert today but have no mindees lined up yet and the people who are coming with enquiries are tending to be planning ahead for Sept onwards.

29-07-2009, 07:17 PM
No I don't really, I probably wasn't going to hand it in immediately, maybe in the next week or so to give myself some room if there were any problems like you say with Ofsted or whatever. Should I just wait till my cert comes through then wait to get enquiries before handing notice in? My only thought there is that I would have to keep parents waiting (if I got any!) as I would not be able to start minding for them straight away....i'd have to work my 4 weeks notice 1st!? iyswim

29-07-2009, 07:51 PM
I would say it depends on how much you need an income. If you cannot afford to earn nothing then personally I would keep my job and, whilst waiting for reg cert, advertise locally (stating that you are pre-reg but will have vacancies from ???). See what enquiries you get that way and you might be in a better position to decide whether to leave your job. Have you spk to other cm in your area? Is there lots of work around?

29-07-2009, 07:52 PM
Sorry to go on ;) but with regard to JSA, I believe that if you resign from a job you have to wait 6 weeks before your can claim anything.

29-07-2009, 07:52 PM

I think if it was me first off i wouldn't hand in my notice until certificate arrives. In the meantime ring the jobcentre up and ask about contribution based jobseekers....if you ring the benefit enquiry line and explain your situation they will tell you everything you can claim!



29-07-2009, 08:02 PM
Yes, I think there is work around....however, I think I will heed your advice and put off handing in my notice until I have got my certificate. I have already starting doing some advertising, but could be getting on properly with that in the meantime!

Thank you so much for your advice peeps!!!:thumbsup:

29-07-2009, 08:03 PM
As you rely on your income don't give your notice in yet, wait until you get some enquiries at least.


29-07-2009, 08:10 PM
I agree with all above.

Most people are looking ahead a little when seeking childcare so i think you'd be fine to hand your notice in once you sign up the first one. You never know the firts one might just want thurs and fri without you needing to say anything.

In the mean time you could schedule all the meetings and settling in sessions for thurs and fridays.

good luck:thumbsup: