View Full Version : Minding a child with food allergies

28-07-2009, 08:26 AM
Hi, got a mum coming round later with her 5 month old baby. She tells me that he has to be on a gluten free diet until he is 2 due to allergies in the family. In this situation how do you manage the food situation?

I normally provide meals but am thinking of asking mum to provide her own food to minimise risk of child being given anything that he shouldn't have. Would this be acceptable or would I be discriminating by treating him differently to other mindees? Perhaps (in the name of inclusivity) I should offer mum the choice whether I provide food or not as I think she would want to provide the food anyway!!

28-07-2009, 08:28 AM
ask mum to provide meals, esp in a baby with the potential to have a food allergy and the risks that go with it

my son has to have a dairy free diet, and even for school i have to provide his meals :thumbsup:

28-07-2009, 08:43 AM
Oh thanks so much for that reply. Thats what I'll do. :)

28-07-2009, 08:48 AM
i don't provide meals until baby is fully weaned and eating family meals anyway, as its safer for mum to experiment with meals at home (and less risky to you)


28-07-2009, 10:10 AM
When I had my pre-registration visit from Ofsted, they advised me not to provide food for under 1's and ask the parents to, in case of allergies so yes I agree with all previous posts and get parents to provide food.