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View Full Version : Mindee Leaving Today

Chatterbox Childcare
20-07-2009, 08:35 AM
I have looked after little H for 3 years and today is his last day as mum has changed her job.

They brought me a lovely rambling rose to put in the garden and the card made me cry.

Now I know why I do this job and it hasn't anything to do with money (although that helps)

20-07-2009, 08:42 AM
I have one leaving too as he is heading to senior school

its hard to say goodbye, i've had him for 4 years now as after school only and I've planned a suprise party for late yay so hopefully it wont be too tearful

Chatterbox Childcare
20-07-2009, 08:44 AM
I have given H the choice for today and we are all going to soft play for the day with all my others coming early as they are on late shift

20-07-2009, 08:53 AM
aah its hard when they leave. One my LO left last friday and i told her she could choose what we do and she could choose what to have for lunch, She chose staying in all day and just playing together which i thought waqs rather sweet, i offered to take her to soft play but she said she wanted a 'quiet' day! lol. When i asked her about lunch she said 'JAM SANDWICHES' with a twinkle in her eye as she knows full well that we don't have them at mine. she's only allowed them at home. I think she was quite shocked when i actually made them and i had them with her! (actually they were quite nice, not had them for years) lol

20-07-2009, 09:40 AM
I had 3 mindees leave last week. 2 for school and 1 for nursery

One I have had for 4 years, he was only 9 months when he started. I have loved watching him grow and being a part of the whole familys life. We will be in touch - got him for a few odd days in Sept when he does settling in sessions at school so not gone forever :thumbsup:

I gave him choice of days activities, he chose to go to farm park on friday (after I had been to see him in nursery sports day:rolleyes: ) Let him have a fairy cake as I don't usually buy them, he was really chuffed :)

2 more leave tomorrow :(

Only one left to come with me to new house, will start putting the word about for places to be filled.

20-07-2009, 11:13 AM
Aww sad but also very sweet, you have helped them grow and develop. :)
