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View Full Version : Mindee's Dad has suspected swine flu

17-07-2009, 12:00 PM
Mindee's Mum rang this morning to say my 3 1/2 year old mindee's Dad (who is a GP) has had suspected swine flu for a few days. He is at home and recovering from it but she wondered if mindee would still be able to come.

As mindee has no symptoms and neither has Mum or brother and sister I said just bring her. The advice is that if they don't have symptoms it is ok. She is my only mindee on Fridays. Mum works as a physiotherapist in the local hospital and she went off to work this morning too!

I think it just a matter of time til we all get it and unless you stay at home and have no contact with anyone there is no way to avoid it. You pick it up anywhere there are people - tesco's, schools etc.

Apparently mindee's Dad said that alot of people will have such mild symptoms they don't even realise it was swine flu and can pass it on. Personally I had a bad cough last weekend and a sore throat but no temperature/fever or aches but have had a headache this week. It makes me wonder if I have had it....

17-07-2009, 12:12 PM
Like you say it is everywhere now I think.

I hope mindee stays well :D

17-07-2009, 12:27 PM
Ah don't its so scarey now, my mil has had the doctor out today aches, shivers, etc, he said its a virus, she has to get antibiotics :eek:

Scarey thing is she was visiting my sil9her daughter) in high dependency yesterday, she has had a tumour removed from her lung :panic: we did let the hospital know though :(

17-07-2009, 01:35 PM
Ah don't its so scarey now, my mil has had the doctor out today aches, shivers, etc, he said its a virus, she has to get antibiotics :eek:

Scarey thing is she was visiting my sil9her daughter) in high dependency yesterday, she has had a tumour removed from her lung :panic: we did let the hospital know though :(

they shouldnt of let her in maybe a phone call would of been better its the last thing your sil needs:panic: :(