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View Full Version : VARIATION HELP!!!

27-06-2009, 12:48 PM

Had an enquiry for a 1 year old and 3 1/2 year old but i already have 2 under 5.....What should I do??

Could I take on younger one and then say to Ofsted older 1 wants to come to us two and ask for sibling variation?!?!
The older 1 would only be till 1 each day?!

Thanks guys

27-06-2009, 03:51 PM
I know that variations are becoming more common, but I am pretty sure that they are usually given for continuity of care, this isn't because you do not already look after the sibling.

It's probably worth a go, I would ask others and see what they say.

27-06-2009, 04:30 PM
It would be very disruptive for the child if you took one, then couldn't offer the other place and parents had to look elsewhere.

I would ask Ofsted first off and see what they say. Good luck! :D

27-06-2009, 08:57 PM
I asked ofsted first as I already have my two children and 2 siblings wanted to come to me but ofsted said no as continuity of care is only if you already have one sibling with you, the inspector actually told me to take the older child on for a while and then request to have the younger one but their mum needed someone now for them both.