View Full Version : Over 8's - What is expected ???

06-06-2009, 11:27 PM
Okay, this is going to sound really silly but I am unsure exactlly what is expected regarding the children that are over 5 years and therefore not in the EYFS.

What exactly is expected paperwise ? Do I have to do any kind of planning? Scrapbooks ? Folders ? etc ....

What do you all do ? My youngest child is 6 other than my own son who is nearly 3 ... Do yopu have a your own child that is in EYFS and do you do all folders, obs, books, etc with them ?

I have only been working for 6 weeks as a childminder and really want to be sorted before my inspection which i know is a long way off yet but want to be prepared ....

so what exactlly will the Ofsted Inspector want to and expect to see regarding written etc ...

Thanks in advance for all your kind help :D

06-06-2009, 11:30 PM
If you have no mindees in the EYFS age group, you could practice on your son to show how you would do your obs etc.


07-06-2009, 06:31 AM
my over 5' including over 8's all have their own scrapbooks as they saw the EYFS mindees books and decided they wanted their own, they fill them on their own taking photos for me to load onto the pc, they add their own craft in there and write their own information.

Ofsted most likely wont look at them but the mindees wanted to have them and they find it fun too.

07-06-2009, 06:41 AM
Ofsted just want to see that you know the difference between the two registers. I can't remember off hand was going to swot up before the inspector comes so its fresh in my head.

My over 8 did a scrapbook too just because she felt left out with the under 5's EYFS folders. She put in it things she wanted too including photos.

Chatterbox Childcare
07-06-2009, 09:12 AM
Ofsted are not interested in what you are doing with the Over 8's as the inspection is based on EYFS but it doesn't hurt to keep some records. Just ensure that you have the EYFS covered until the end of the Early Years Register and not just under 5. If you have a few over eights they will ask you how time and space impacts on the care of the children under the EY register.

07-06-2009, 09:33 AM
I have a separate scrapbook which i use for photos and infor about what i have done with children over 8. I showed this to the inspector and she thought it was a lovely idea. Its mainly for me to keep as a record to look back on in the future but the kids often have a flick through too.

15-06-2009, 08:34 PM
Thanks for your replies. I understand I need to keep records for children up to 5th bday .... I work with children and already do this. It is mainly what Ofsted want to see for afterschool children.

I think I will do a scrapbook as others have said and I already do a scrapbook with past topics etc in with photos :)#
thanks :)

16-06-2009, 03:29 PM
You need to keep doing the EYFS work up till 31st august After their 5th birthday not just till their 5th birthday.

As for the after schoolies, then like you say just keep doing the learning journals so they have something nice to take away when they leave. Also check the childcare register to make sure you have all the relevent policies for them :)

19-06-2009, 10:32 AM
If you have a few over eights they will ask you how time and space impacts on the care of the children under the EY register.

When I had my inspection she never even asked anything about my over 8s - she was only interested in the 2 year old.

19-06-2009, 10:36 AM
Even if they are five you still need to keep going with the EYFS until they enter year 1. The foundation stage lasts until the end of the reception year in school and can be longer for children with additional needs.

Older children could do their own learning journey, just a scrap book record of things they do with you, photos etc Ofsted love this sort of thing


mrs c
19-06-2009, 04:42 PM
I have scrapbooks for my older children and they love me taking their photos to add to them. Sometimes I have to take many photos until they get one they are happy with lol