View Full Version : dinosaurs

02-06-2009, 04:32 PM
My 18 month old mindee started last wednesday,only have him 1 day a week, he took a liking to my dinosaur magnets, took that for an obs, im borrowing some dinos from another cm to play with tomorrow,poss in water, im making it into a theme and with the older ones will make a mural of dinos with volcanoes and palm trees and such and following on from that making a volcano and watching it erupt, how can i involve the 18 month in all this?

02-06-2009, 04:40 PM
You could dip the dinasours in paint and do footprints with the little one:)

22-06-2009, 07:46 PM
You could press the toy dinosaurs feet into play-doh. Or press them in sideways and make prints of the textured skins to look like fossils. If you made your own dough and coloured it brown it would be authenticly mud coloured!

You could also make some green jelly and then mush it all up to represent a swamp for the dinos to wallow in.

Just check with the person whoose dinos your borrowing before-hand!!