View Full Version : How likely am I to be allowed?

01-06-2009, 11:05 PM
Wondered if anyone can help. A friend of mine would like me to look after her 2 children when she goes back to work. I have 2 of my own and we all see each other most days, and are using same discipline methods ("sit in hallway")similar routines, meals etc. already so could be ideal.

I am keen to do this and have booked on to a pre reg session. Problem is that all 4 are under 5. Mine will be 34 months and 16 months, the other two 3 years and 1 year. It would be afternoons only. The older 2 will go to preschool 2 afternoons a week, rising to 5 afternoons for the eldest after 2 months and for the 34 month old after 7 months. Would have all 4 in school holidays.

How likely is it that I would be allowed a variation for 4 under 5s? I wouldn't have any over 5s so just those 4.

Thanks for your help.


02-06-2009, 07:26 AM
Hi Clare

You would have to ring ofsted and ask them but I am fairly sure that they do not give variations to newly registered cm's unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Best ring them to check though...you never know

02-06-2009, 08:31 AM
it should be fine. i had my ratio of children changed from 3 under 5 to 4 under 5 and didnt have no problem. at the time i had a 6 month old, 2 1 year olds, and 1 3 year old.
Send ofsted a letter asking to change your numbers, im sure you'll have no problems.

Farrah xx

Chatterbox Childcare
02-06-2009, 08:52 AM
Personally I would put the younger of the 2 on my books for a couple of weeks and then apply for the variation as "continuity of care" so that the other could come too.

Ofsted don't like splitting families up and I am sure you will get it.

02-06-2009, 10:14 AM
Personally I would put the younger of the 2 on my books for a couple of weeks and then apply for the variation as "continuity of care" so that the other could come too.

Ofsted don't like splitting families up and I am sure you will get it.

:idea: :idea:

02-06-2009, 11:51 AM
Might be an idea to get youself registered first! The process takes different lenghts of time to do in different areas.

It is great to have some potential mindees, but frankly I think you need to be realistic. I would be amazed if you got that kind of variation as soon as you start minding.

You need to also bear in mind that it will probably take a mininum of six months to register, if you look at threads on here it can take a lot longer, do your first aid etc.

You won't be able to ask for a variation until you are registered because you won't know how many they will allow you to have. It will depend on the space you have etc. The variation will take a minimum of two weeks and can take four weeks or more to process.

I don't mean to be gloomy but I don't want you to feel it is all easy and quick and then be very dissapiointed.

02-06-2009, 12:38 PM
Thanks for all your replies, doesn't sound like it's going to be a realistic option. I just wanted to look after these particular kids as they are close to our family, for a favour really and a little bit of spending money for my girls. Their mum just really wants them to carry on as we are now, only without her for a few hours each afternoon. Practically, we can see it would be fine as they mainly nap and play at home/ in garden or will go to preschool because we do organised activities every morning when she won't be working) and they are used to me being around.
Expected to have to do a bit of hoop jumping, training, record keeping etc. and trying to work it all out 6 months before she's due back at work but sounds like it would be a lot of expense and hanging around for something that could well not be allowed anyway.

Thanks again.

02-06-2009, 12:50 PM
If you are only wanting to be registered to care for these two children, personally I wouldn't bother. May be you could work around it another way, like you go to their house and look after them and take your children with you? That way you don't need to be registered.