View Full Version : A toilet question - sorry

25-05-2009, 04:05 PM
A bit of a strange question but are we expected to have specific plans on what we will do with the children if we need to go to the loo?

I'm just imagining if i don't ask you i'll end up holding it all day lol

25-05-2009, 04:11 PM
I don't have a particular plan, it depends on who I have at the time.

My loo is upstairs in the bathroom. I leave whoever I can trust downstairs in the sitting room with gate to kitchen shut, patio door shut, stair gate shut,safe room anyway- as far as possible. Take any crawler/baby with me, put them on landing upstairs with gate shut at top of stairs and a few toys- long enough for a wee or whatever(sorry TMI!:blush: ) leaving door open so I can hear downstairs. They are too young to know what I am up to!!

It's the best I can do in my home, no accidents/emergencies yet in 15 years :D

25-05-2009, 05:18 PM
My loo is also upstairs.
I wait till my LO's are asleep older ones are left to play in living room, my stairs are in living room, I keep door open and call down " You OK down there" I get a "Yeeeees":D
All been ok for 15 years too:)

25-05-2009, 06:12 PM
I go to the loo whenever i need to. I make sure that stair gates are closed and dog is out of the way and i tell the older children what i am doing. I leave the door to the loo and the lounge open then i can hear what is going on. I have sometimes taken a baby up with me if i think its needed - you get to know which children need a constant eye!

25-05-2009, 06:51 PM
You mean you all go to the toilet :eek: when you are working :eek: during the day :eek: :eek: leaving the children unattended :eek: on your own??? :eek:

I am jealous... I've not been to the toilet on my own during the working day for about 6 years! :laughing:

25-05-2009, 07:01 PM
You mean you all go to the toilet :eek: when you are working :eek: during the day :eek: :eek: leaving the children unattended :eek: on your own??? :eek:

I am jealous... I've not been to the toilet on my own during the working day for about 6 years! :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing

couldn't add any more laughhing cos Sarah used to many!!

25-05-2009, 07:03 PM
[QUOTE=sarah707;431919]You mean you all go to the toilet :eek: when you are working :eek: during the day :eek: leaving the children unattended on your own??? :eek:

I am jealous... I've not been to the toilet on my own during the working day for about 6 years! QUOTE]

:ROFL1: :ROFL1: :ROFL1: :goodjob:

25-05-2009, 07:42 PM
oh it must be wonderful to go to the loo alone!

my loo is downstairs i leave the door open so i can hear them all

the younger ones venture into the hallway and make it to the loo door pending on how long i sit for!

the older ones are normally out in the garden, if i have no under 5's i push the door too but never shut tight but i aim not to use the loo for the 3 hours i have only older ones for (doesny usually go to plan)

25-05-2009, 07:45 PM
:ROFL1: :ROFL1: :ROFL1: x x x

26-05-2009, 08:57 PM
just have to say thanks something i wanted to know but too scared to ask.

6 years hey must have been hell I couldn't last 6 minutes if i need to go

Buzz Lightyear
26-05-2009, 09:15 PM
I just go and tell the eldest he is in-charge and he loves it. He always tells me I was too quick and could I go back in! :D

Sleeping Baby
27-05-2009, 03:54 PM
I only get to the loo on my own if we go out and then I allways go just for the experance:laughing: Sometimes I just sit and enjoy, what has becomming a parent and a childminder turned us into?:idea:

27-05-2009, 03:58 PM
Looking at all these loo comments made me wonder why Ofsted haven't asked for a loo risk assessment. Has anyone got one?


27-05-2009, 04:25 PM
I just make sure the kids are all safe then I go. I have a d/stairs loo so it is easier. x