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View Full Version : In Shock at Local CM

22-05-2009, 12:55 PM
Well I am beginning to wonder about my own views of childcare and what passes for acceptable care around these parts.

You may remember I witnessed some very poor behaviour from the local nursery staff a while back, well today I have actually seen worse.:panic:

I saw a woman I know to be a childminder with 3 young children (not hers so I assume mindees). She had a standard single pushchair with one child in pushchair correctly, another child sat on first child's knees and a third child balanced on the hood/snack tray on the handle bars. She also had loads of shopping hanging on back of pushchair. She was trying to get up a steep curb having crossed a busy road 20 yards from a zebra crossing, and to top it all she had a cigarette in her hand.:eek:

I really am wondering if I am rather old fashioned or a bit of a goody two shoes:panic: . Please don't get me wrong I know there are some very good childminders and nurseries around here, but I seem to keep seeing some very poor ones.

22-05-2009, 01:04 PM
OMG I can't believe she would do that.

You are not the only one that seems to see shocking things, I thought maybe I pay more attention to these things now im minding too?

22-05-2009, 01:07 PM
that is outraging!! and dangerous!! and stupid!!

If I was a parent I would complain immediately and remove my child from the care of this so called cm.

I don't think your views are oldfashioned or wrong for that matter. This kind of behaviour should be unaccpetable no matter who or where you are!!

Had to read the post 3 times as I couldn't believe what I was reading

22-05-2009, 01:10 PM
I don't think your views are old fashioned at all!!

What a dangerous thing to do with your own children, let alone someone elses!

22-05-2009, 01:11 PM
Oh my word :eek:

Thats unbelievable :eek:

As a parent ive had 2 in a stroller, one in seat and other standing on back (ended up bending the frame to had to chuck it) but id never consider doing it as a cm

22-05-2009, 01:14 PM
Sounds appalling.
You not old fashioned, just sensible.
She obviously not sensible.
I wonder what goes on behind closed doors:eek:

22-05-2009, 01:16 PM
That is awful! What worries me is that these people don't think they're doing anything wrong. I have once sat a child on the hood as she was walking & fell over & hurt her knee. I tried carrying her & pushing the pushchair (impossible), so ended up sitting her on the hood. I still had to try holding her & pushing at the same time. It was quite tricky, but it got us home.

And years ago I knew one childminder who used to put her own child in the pushchair and the minded child in the basket underneath :eek: She just didn't see what was wrong with it!

22-05-2009, 01:16 PM
That is awful - I was in shock yesterday as I walked down our high street at 9.30AM and realised the whiff of dope I could smell was coming from a woman with a small baby in a pushchair :eek:
It was the woman not the baby smoking - but I walked off thinking about whether I should go and report her to the nearest policeman....then i forgot all about it until i read this post.

22-05-2009, 01:22 PM
And years ago I knew one childminder who used to put her own child in the pushchair and the minded child in the basket underneath :eek: She just didn't see what was wrong with it!

That is incredible!!! (although I have to confess reading it made me giggle! :blush: )
how on earth do people justify these things in their heads?
and I agree with SLC, what on earth must go on behind closed doors if this is what is happening in public???

If you were a parent a thing like that might put you off childminders forever..or if the media got hold if news like this...we would all be slated for something 1 person has done...

22-05-2009, 01:22 PM
i too had to read more than once to be sure i read it correct:eek: shes breaking every rule in the book, no correct restraints , smoking around the children( not crossing safetly so not safeguarding) thats unbelievably irresponsible i hope someone reports her for the childrens sake:panic:

22-05-2009, 01:30 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

is all i can say!!

Whats wrong with people ??
Theres a parent who goes to our pre school, on a bike, with her 2 year old on the bar :eek: :eek: , and our main road is hurrendous especially at school run time! i thought that parent was bad, but yours is well ahead in the idiot stakes :angry:

22-05-2009, 01:31 PM
was the woman not the baby smoking - but I walked off thinking about whether I should go and report her to the nearest policeman....then i forgot all about it until i read this post.

sorry but that made me laugh about the baby smoking :blush: :blush:

22-05-2009, 03:19 PM

Chatterbox Childcare
22-05-2009, 03:35 PM
That is awful and I thinik what you see as Old Fashioned is another word for Standards which this lady obviously has none!

22-05-2009, 03:39 PM
Are you going to report her? :angry:

22-05-2009, 03:48 PM
Thats really bad. Ive recently reported another cm for leaving mindees in her car while doing school pick up. The first time it was 1 second time was 3! It has since got back to me that she told someone i know ofsted called and she didnt realise she was doing anything wrong!!!!! come on u cant see the car at all from where we pick up.

22-05-2009, 04:19 PM
OMG :eek: . How can they honestly think that is not dangerous? Common sense gone out of the window!


22-05-2009, 04:36 PM
Glad its not just me that disagrees with her methods.

The Juggler
22-05-2009, 05:33 PM
Well I am beginning to wonder about my own views of childcare and what passes for acceptable care around these parts.

You may remember I witnessed some very poor behaviour from the local nursery staff a while back, well today I have actually seen worse.:panic:

I saw a woman I know to be a childminder with 3 young children (not hers so I assume mindees). She had a standard single pushchair with one child in pushchair correctly, another child sat on first child's knees and a third child balanced on the hood/snack tray on the handle bars. She also had loads of shopping hanging on back of pushchair. She was trying to get up a steep curb having crossed a busy road 20 yards from a zebra crossing, and to top it all she had a cigarette in her hand.:eek:

I really am wondering if I am rather old fashioned or a bit of a goody two shoes:panic: . Please don't get me wrong I know there are some very good childminders and nurseries around here, but I seem to keep seeing some very poor ones.

Awful isn't it. I've seen a minder push her a baby mindee and have a 7 year old mindee push her own son (also baby) in a buggy which looked like it came from a toy shop on a 30 min walk home. also seen her have her 3 year old daughter push said baby son in same buggy behind her by a busy road whilst she gassed on a mobile. Community police had to point out to her that dd was struggling and baby was nearly in road!!! Just got in before I said something to her.

22-05-2009, 05:48 PM
Awful isn't it. I've seen a minder push her a baby mindee and have a 7 year old mindee push her own son (also baby) in a buggy which looked like it came from a toy shop on a 30 min walk home. also seen her have her 3 year old daughter push said baby son in same buggy behind her by a busy road whilst she gassed on a mobile. Community police had to point out to her that dd was struggling and baby was nearly in road!!! Just got in before I said something to her.

OMG..... SHOCKING!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:


22-05-2009, 05:53 PM
She needs to be careful, one of the girls I know was hauled over the coals by care commission for having 3 children in a double buggy! People are watching all the time and it's just a matter of time before she gets found out.

22-05-2009, 06:13 PM
this is disgraceful and does nothing for good childminders like yourself for noticing, i would never think of doing anything like that with my own children(when I eventually have them) let alone any child I'm been paid to look after it appears that it just gets worse everytime i read these type of posts.

22-05-2009, 07:17 PM
Well I am beginning to wonder about my own views of childcare and what passes for acceptable care around these parts.

You may remember I witnessed some very poor behaviour from the local nursery staff a while back, well today I have actually seen worse.:panic:

I saw a woman I know to be a childminder with 3 young children (not hers so I assume mindees). She had a standard single pushchair with one child in pushchair correctly, another child sat on first child's knees and a third child balanced on the hood/snack tray on the handle bars. She also had loads of shopping hanging on back of pushchair. She was trying to get up a steep curb having crossed a busy road 20 yards from a zebra crossing, and to top it all she had a cigarette in her hand.:eek:

I really am wondering if I am rather old fashioned or a bit of a goody two shoes:panic: . Please don't get me wrong I know there are some very good childminders and nurseries around here, but I seem to keep seeing some very poor ones.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

22-05-2009, 07:18 PM
I have been told about a cm near me that is always leaving kids in the car, and a friend of mine lives at the back of her and she says the way she speaks to the kids is shocking. Lots of folk in our village wont use her because of her attitude :angry:

23-05-2009, 07:36 PM
I cant believe this happens!! I am sometimes shocked at the way I see a particular Childminder tell a lo off, but that is just shocking, Id have reported her straightaway!

What about the mindee's parents? Surely they will smell the smoke on the childrens clothes, or could drive pass and see how they are transported - and surely they would care! Unless they are friends or something and well aware ..... but regardless she is not meeting the EYFS requirements and I cannot believe she has the balls to walk around smoking and transporting them like that!
I am well and truely shocked!!!