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22-05-2009, 11:44 AM
I posted the other day that I'm losing my only regular mindee to the nursery in Oct as they are now doing the 15 hrs and wrap around 9-3.

Well I went in today and they have approached me about a job there!! I'll have to apply as there are a few others interested too. I've just completed the FD so I'm probably qualified enough.

I know I've just been approached but I'm considering whether it is worth taking up. I'll only have a baby come oct 9-3, and I struggle for business.

I've worked in a nursey before but it was years ago. This is an LEA nursery What do others think? What do you think are the pros and cons?
Does anyone work in a setting term time and childmind during the holidays?

22-05-2009, 11:56 AM
it would be good experience for you especially if you can gain mindees for the hols too, its hard to offer you advice as you need to make the decission yourself. it is a big step but at the end of the day if it doesnt work out then you still ahve childminding to return too

22-05-2009, 02:13 PM
I posted the other day that I'm losing my only regular mindee to the nursery in Oct as they are now doing the 15 hrs and wrap around 9-3.

Well I went in today and they have approached me about a job there!! I'll have to apply as there are a few others interested too. I've just completed the FD so I'm probably qualified enough.

I know I've just been approached but I'm considering whether it is worth taking up. I'll only have a baby come oct 9-3, and I struggle for business.

I've worked in a nursey before but it was years ago. This is an LEA nursery What do others think? What do you think are the pros and cons?
Does anyone work in a setting term time and childmind during the holidays?

Hi, I've never worked in a nursery but trained and registered as a CM when my DS was 1 (he's 7.5 now). I have been fortunate that I have always had as many mindees as I wanted and had plenty of enquiries. But last year I decided that I needed/wanted to go back out into the workforce as I was not feeling fulfilled being a CM and at home all the time and one of my 2 youngest mindees moved home so I didn't replace. That left me with term time, H (3) at nursery class in school mornings, the rest J (9), H (9) and P (7) after school from 4pm and in school holidays the above 4 plus H(3)'s brother W (9). So I had 6 in school hols.

I then got a part-time job as school administrator at DS's school in January which has now become full-time. I absolutely love it but have had to make some changes. I have given notice to H (3) and W (9)'s Mum saying that from September I won't be able to have them at all as I am finding it too hard to have all 6 in the hols.

So from September apart from my own DS I'll be working 08.45 - 1500 then have

J (9) Mon - Fri 1600 - 1730
H (9) and P (7) Tues, Wed, Thurs 1600 - 1800

Holidays they keep to the same days but are here all day from around 0830.

I do have to add that the parents of my mindees are great, I think they worried more that I wouldn't be able to have the children at all so any changes I've had to make have been met very reasonably. i.e. These 3 children all go to a local private school and have more school holidays than we do and I had to tell the parents that for x amount of weeks/days I couldn't have the children as our school would not be on holidays, but I don't charge them for those weeks and let them know what days don't coincide as soon as the school holiday lists come out.

It will depend on you whether or not you can work like this but I find it fine. As with all things in life I would say, give it a try! What's to stop you going for interview and seeing what they are offering, it's only when you get offered the job that you have any kind of decision to make and by then you'll have more information.

This works great for me, I am happier and much more fulfilled and have been very fortunate to find a solution that's working for me.

Good luck and I hope it all works out for you.

22-05-2009, 10:42 PM
many thanks for you replies and interesting to know that you mange with working the whole school day too.

I think I'll definetly look into it more

22-05-2009, 11:15 PM
Just wanted to say good luck whatever you decide to do

Angel xx

22-05-2009, 11:31 PM
Good Luck, in whateva you decide:)

23-05-2009, 09:54 PM
Hi I've been in a similar situation losing mindees to redundancies and not being able to find replacements. I was fortunate to be offered part-time work in preschool, which means I can still mind before and after school and in the holidays, and have 2 days a week childminding. It is a great opportunity to see how other settings work, and to to have opportunities to work with children who are all a similar age. It has made me realise how much I love childminding but also how isolating it can be sometimes. It is also a relief to have a regular income coming in! I also appreciate how lucky I am as a childminder to only have 5 eyfs folders to complete instead of 9-10 like most of the preschool staff. Its also a bit sad that when I'm in my uniform I'm considered to be doing a "proper" job. What ever you decide to do I wish you lots of luck.:)