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View Full Version : What happens on yor first visit reg visit??

20-05-2009, 09:42 AM
Ofsted coming next week and getin more nervous they gonna either decline me or think im no gud what actually happens on the first visit (not childminding yet so first ever visit) please help

marjie b
20-05-2009, 11:05 AM
dont panic babe, on yor pre-reg visit its really simple.

the lady will look round house n garden, ask u the normal stuff bout which rooms r to be registered for minding, how many kids u have, pets etc...
she will make sure ur ready 4 ur inspection, safety wise, paperwork etc...

its quite painless really but i remember that feeling well, i thought she was gonna be looking thro my cupboards or somethin lol!!

u will be fine, best of luck hun xxx

Daddy Day Care
20-05-2009, 03:33 PM
I expected the smae marjie, spent hours cleaning in cupboards, wardrobes, underbed but she didnt look in any of these places :angry:

I was really nervous liljt, couldnt sleep the ngihts before but as marjie says dont panic, they dont expect you to have everytihn gin palce on your pre reg visit.

The lady who visted me paid very little attnetion to the house, didnt even go in most rooms just stuck head around the door, the majority of my inspection was spent answering question on the eyfs, and even when i wasnt totaly sure of the answer she led to me to it.

Im sure it will go fine, let us nkow how you get on


20-05-2009, 03:49 PM
have you filled your getting ready for your pre registration, I did mine and it almost covered everything she asked me. She went through the house and we risk assessed every room, i was telling her what I was planning to do to make it safe and my house was not fisnihed as we were doing some decorating etc but she was fine with it. They are here to help you getting ready and see how much you know of what would be expected from you and answer any questions you may not be sure about at this stage

Good luck and dont panic


20-05-2009, 07:09 PM
Good luck, you will be fine :thumbsup:

20-05-2009, 07:44 PM
Im nervous about mine too even though i dont know when it is yet! lol:blush:

Good luck Just remember they are there to help you and not catch you out

21-05-2009, 02:15 PM
Hey thanx 4 that guys!:) so after ure pre reg do they tel u if u can b a childminder or not and im guessin they do anova inspection is that wiv out the children theer agen?? xxx