View Full Version : for those stressing about the time it

01-05-2009, 08:16 PM
takes to get registered, about the EYFS, I just want to say that it is all WELL WORTH it in the end

I am seven weeks in being a childminder and i blooming love it!

Every day just gets better and better, yes theres a lot of paperwork, but i honest think the good out ways the bad!!

It takes a long time to get going, but don't give up cos its great!!

:blush: Sorry just had to share this. :laughing: :laughing:

miss mopple
01-05-2009, 08:17 PM
:thumbsup: what a lovely positive post. Glad youre loving it :clapping:

01-05-2009, 08:25 PM
Glad you shared that, there are a lot of people here who need to know this.:thumbsup:

01-05-2009, 08:27 PM
glad you like il ive been doing it years and its really changed but for the better as now i feel like its more of a profession with all the paperwork , where before i was doing lots and bringing kids along i had nothing to show for it well now ive got blooming shelves of evidence haha and i feel really proud . i also think others now know what we do and look at us with more respect ( hopefully) i only meant to do it for a couple of years but where else would i have the freedom i have now i cant imagine doing anything else . now ive got to grips more or less with eyfs i feel really happy.:clapping: hope you continue to feel asgood about it too x

01-05-2009, 08:32 PM
There was a time just before i got registered i thought i'd give up, too much waiting etc
But i'm glad i done it, glad i have paper work that looks proffessional,
and the kids never want to go home :laughing: :laughing:
One begged her mum to stay an extra half hour today, and as she lives up the street i said i'd walk her there. We were playing with coloured water. I didn't mind her staying as mine was still awake, and the mum was well happy to get half an hour to herself.

IT is fab!!

Buzz Lightyear
01-05-2009, 08:39 PM
I absolutely second that Kerri. I am a couple of weeks behind you but can honestly say, now I've cracked it with R and have L starting in two weeks, I am loving it! The parents I have are fantastic, I wouldn't swap any of them for the world. I was always worried I wouldn't have enough work but that is certainly not the case and I am very thankful. Becoming a childminder was definitely the right choice for me too and as Kerri has already said, it's blooming brilliant!

I am however looking forward to the long weekend with my little family though :clapping:

02-05-2009, 09:34 AM
Love this post- great to hear such a positive comment!
I have a long way to go until I am fully registered but I cannot wait!!!

02-05-2009, 09:38 AM
that 's a lovely positive post ! THanks fr sharing your feeling ! Just got registered, waiting to get LO to look after