View Full Version : OMG! someone may want me to look after their baby from September!

29-04-2009, 03:56 PM
OMG, bit of a panic now. What do i need to show her paperwork wise? Does she need to sign now or shall i just give her some basic details to have a look at, like a parent info pack.
Don't want to be printing off the WHOLE lot of policies.
I'm just thinking of the Welcome letter, typical day, Fees, Settling in, Complaints, Safeguarding, Working in Partnership with Parents, Sleeping baby policy, Pets policy, Privacy and Confidentiality,...Oh what the heck, its seems like it will be most of them.
What if she wants to sign straight away? So nervous and exited!
It will be for a 9 month old (from September).
Fingers crossed for me!:thumbsup:

Buzz Lightyear
29-04-2009, 05:05 PM
Wow, great news!

I wouldn't bombard her with too many papers. When a parent comes to meet me, I have all my p&p's in a folder for them to look at (if they wish), just so they know I have them. I also have all my certificates in another folder including Ofsted one. They can then see I am legit. I also have a welcome pack which is basically, a little booklet I have put together with information on myself and what our day entails, a bit about my family and how long we have lived in the area (probably not necerssary but nice to read!) I then talk about the areas of learning in a brief outline so as not to confuse and a bit about EYFS. I do this so they have something to go away with rather than going back empty handed and forgetting about me. Fair enough, it might get slung on the floor when they get home but it will be a reminder that they need to get in touch.

I wouldn't want to sign straight away, I would be inclined to tell the parent to go away and think about it and discuss with their other half. They can always come back the day after if they really want to sign.

Above all else, good luck, let us know how you get on wont you??

29-04-2009, 05:52 PM
Fingers crossed for you


(at this stage I would just wait and see if they 'gel' with you and then once they have made up their mind, then call them round to do all the paperwork)

29-04-2009, 07:17 PM
Well done on your enquiry!:thumbsup:

I would just use your intial meeting as an informal chat then you can both think it over and work out if you want to go for it.

I give out a mini pack with welcome note, fees, menu plan and daily routine.

Let us know how you get on!

29-04-2009, 07:23 PM
Great news, well done :clapping:

29-04-2009, 07:28 PM
Good luck! Don't panic, just be yourself! Don't forget that you are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you!

I wouldn't give them much at all at this stage, I would only give them my leaflet and introduction booklet thing which isn't what it's called but the proper name escapes me! Ha ha!

Hope it goes well!


29-04-2009, 08:31 PM
Thats good news ripeberry :thumbsup: I really hope the meeting goes well and you get the contract. Nice to see you are feeling a bit happier than you were a while ago :) :) :)

xxx Jo

29-04-2009, 08:50 PM
Thanks for your suggestions, i'll just do a small booklet with basic details and we'll just have a nice chat over a cup of tea.
Another mum at pre-school wants me to look after her little girl one afternoon a week, so at least its a start for now :)

29-04-2009, 09:37 PM
Thats fab news for you.:thumbsup: You were worried you had no enquiries so hope this is just the beginning for you.

Fingers x:)