View Full Version : Done Obs what next?

14-04-2009, 02:40 PM
I have done my observations and next steps, i use my next steps in my planning what do i need to do next, i know i should do a report each term for each child but what do i need to include in that?


14-04-2009, 02:56 PM
I use the daily diary as a continual report for each child. Every so often i put a section in the diary headed next steps in learning and highlight what has been achieved through either diray notes or observations. Then at suitable intervals i re do the next steps in learning to start a new set of targets.

When i was inspected recently this was fine with the inspector - basically i just have two files for each child - 1 the diary and 2 an A4 display folder with obs and next steps in it along with my initial assessment of the child when they arrive.

miss mopple
14-04-2009, 03:01 PM
I do a 3monthly report that has a box for each area of learning and I summarise in that where the child is.

I then fill out a seperate page saying what we will work on for the next 3 months and get parents comments too