View Full Version : Planning for Baby/toddlers

30-03-2009, 07:40 PM
Ok so all my mindees are between 12 - 17 months and they have similar personality to my DD who is 19 months! Anyway I was thinking about planning and used my DD as guinea pig and tried to do activities but she just was not interested and either wanted to be chased, play hide and seek or play with her kitchen, dolly or look at her books. Now the mindees are pretty much like this so I am not sure what to do as they just want to play rather than colour, paint etc (and if crayons around, they are likely to end up in their mouth). Anyway I thought about planning for May and decided on opposites and incorporate treasure baskets and water play (float/sink) so do you think this is ok or should I be doing more! I dont want to be inspected and fail because I am not planning enough but the kids wanna play not be pulled away to do an activity and like my DD the attention span is all of a minute ;)