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View Full Version : Some advice please

04-03-2009, 12:21 AM
Hi I’m still really new to all this so please be kind.

I have a little girl who comes to me one day a week and then goes to a Nursery 3 days (I think this does confuse her but that’s none of my business and another topic altogether) now mum has decided that from September she’s going to send her to pre-school for the 3 days she currently goes to Nursery from 9am till 3.30pm and she wants for me to drop off and pick up as well as having her during school holidays. The little girl in question will be 3 in June, not starting full time school till September 2010.

So help what do I do/charge for this?? :panic:
As the little one is in my under five’s numbers and I only have one place as I have two LO’s of my own she’s basically wanting me to keep a place available for her 3 days a week on top of the one day she currently does!! But I just don’t see how I’ll find someone to fill the 9 to 3-30pm place term time only!! And what do I do between now and September??

Any advice would be wonderful
I’ve already lost one parent this week can’t afford to lose this one too
Thank you

04-03-2009, 08:29 AM
If it were me i would charge for the drop off and pick up and confirm in writing that you will not automatically be available should the pre school be shut or the child need picking up earlier than specified. You would only do it if you had the room.

That way you would still be able to use the hours for another under 5 if an enquiry came along.

You don't say if you would be using the car or walking to pick up and drop off but either way i would make a higher charge than my normal hourly rate to make it worthwhile.

Chatterbox Childcare
04-03-2009, 08:31 AM
If you are dropping off and collecting it is full fee. You cannot fill these spaces and I take it you will be called if the child needs collecting for whatever reason?

04-03-2009, 08:33 AM
If it were me i would charge for the drop off and pick up and confirm in writing that you will not automatically be available should the pre school be shut or the child need picking up earlier than specified. You would only do it if you had the room.

That way you would still be able to use the hours for another under 5 if an enquiry came along.

You don't say if you would be using the car or walking to pick up and drop off but either way i would make a higher charge than my normal hourly rate to make it worthwhile.

I agree with penny.

04-03-2009, 01:55 PM
Thanks for the replies, but I'm still confused what if something happens at Nursery? who would be expected to do the pick up? also what about school holidays? wouldn't I need to charge something to hold the place term time to ensure it is avalible during the holidays???
