View Full Version : Getting behind with paperwork!!!!

01-03-2009, 09:19 AM
Agh, Im getting behind with it all!!!! Is anyone else finding it all too much to keep up with? Ive got at least 2 or 3 obs to write up for each child,piles of photos to be stuck in and commented on etc Feb newsletter to be written etc

Maybe Im recording too much but its started to get me down and I dont want to spend the whole of Sunday surrounded by mountains of paperwork after a busy week!

Moan over:)

01-03-2009, 09:30 AM
Your obs can be brief sentences...

J made a tower with 3 bricks today... wow!

M nibbled the corner of some cauliflower at lunch... she clapped afterwards.

Your next steps can be equally brief...

Provide J with different materials to make towers eg stacking cups;

Continue offering M vegetables at each main meal - speak to parents about the choice she has at home...

Things like that - it's even better with a photo because the picture does the talking for you.

If you are finding the paperwork overwhelming you then you are doing too much... work on this before you get bogged down. Remember every observation needs to show something new / exciting / interesting to the reader or there is no point you writing it all down.

hth :D

sue m
01-03-2009, 09:35 AM
I printed photos out and stuck them in yesterday, it costs an absolute fortune in ink doesn't it! I had to buy black and colour the other day and they were nearly £14 each!!!! I have a brother and sister with me and take quite a few photos and I did the llittle girl's obs and assessments etc yesterday and have to start on the little boys soon. I do the folder for Ofsted with all the 'proper' stuff in and I wasn't happy with the way I'd done it so I started all over again and did a new one and I do a scrapbook for Mum and Dad because they often work away and the lo's spend time staying at their grandparents. I've done the scrapbook almost the same as their ofsted file (can't think what to call it!!!!:rolleyes: ) so lots of photos and lots of comments from me and things the lo's have said.

I only realized yesterday I've had them for 7 months now and on the contracts it says I will review them every 6 months!

01-03-2009, 09:47 AM
Agh, Im getting behind with it all!!!! Is anyone else finding it all too much to keep up with? Ive got at least 2 or 3 obs to write up for each child,piles of photos to be stuck in and commented on etc Feb newsletter to be written etc

Maybe Im recording too much but its started to get me down and I dont want to spend the whole of Sunday surrounded by mountains of paperwork after a busy week!

Moan over:)

I feel the same sometimes but mainly because we are so into what we are doing that i forget. Im still trying check iv got all risk assessments in place and remembering to write down that iv checked everything first thing and I still havnt finished the SEF.

I know once I get into the routine I'l be fine but Im not very organized and dont have much space and I hate paper:panic:

01-03-2009, 10:01 AM
I'm bogged down too. Today is set aside for writing up obs, doing March planning and getting a file ready for the new baby who starts on Tuesday. I'm finding it all very overwhelming.

01-03-2009, 10:19 AM
Im glad im not the only one thats finding all the paperwork alot of work and takes time out of my weekend.

I have two children 6 and 8 and I feel the weekends are for the family so I try and limit paperwork to a couple of hours as its not fair on them, they have to share me every day of the week until 5.30pm with other children. I dont get time in the evenings to do any paperwork as work to 5.30pm every day and then its dinner for the family, baths, homework and then a bit of time out and then its bed.

Ive started my sef but not had time to complete over the last 3 weeks.
Writing up observations and pictures are behind a couple of months.
Planning for themes are upto date thankfully.
Quality First is behind because they keep cancelling dates.
Accounts are behind a couple of months
I want to write up a list of resources, equipment but still not got round to that.

It does feel a bit over whelming.

I will have a every friday afternoon to myself in 4 weeks, mindee going down to 4 days and will be finishing with other two by 12pm. I hoping this will be enough time before I pick my children up from school to get all this done so it doesnt take over my life at the weekend.

Well thats my moan:angry:

01-03-2009, 02:35 PM
Your obs can be brief sentences...

J made a tower with 3 bricks today... wow!

M nibbled the corner of some cauliflower at lunch... she clapped afterwards.

Your next steps can be equally brief...

Provide J with different materials to make towers eg stacking cups;

Continue offering M vegetables at each main meal - speak to parents about the choice she has at home...

Things like that - it's even better with a photo because the picture does the talking for you.

If you are finding the paperwork overwhelming you then you are doing too much... work on this before you get bogged down. Remember every observation needs to show something new / exciting / interesting to the reader or there is no point you writing it all down.

hth :D

So would you still use a normal observation sheet for this? Even if you are only putting one sentance in the box for the observation?

01-03-2009, 02:44 PM
Sorry I don't know what your observation sheet looks like!

However, if you are just putting brief notes you would not need an A4 sheet for each one...

For example, you could fit a few obs to a page along with some little photos...

Or maybe use an A4 sheet split into 6, one section for each area of learning and development... then you can choose a wow moment from each one and make a brief note adding next steps if relevant.

What I am trying to say is there isn't any set way of doing things. Nobody is telling us whether it is right or wrong... it's about showing good observations and about plotting the child's progression.

So make it work for you! If people are saying it is getting them down and they are finding it too much, then clearly their systems are not working for them and they need to adapt things... iyswim. :D

01-03-2009, 03:13 PM
Good advice from Sarah, I do 1 obs per child per week with a short comment and next steps(child initiated planning). Add a few photo's of that weeks activities, along with a daily diary it was loved by my recent Ofsted inspector.:thumbsup:

Welcome to the EYFS!!!:eek:

01-03-2009, 04:14 PM
I've been a rebel today and have decided to something other than paperwork :D I usually spend quite a few hours on Sundays , as well as evenings doing it. So far i've done shopping, cleaning, cooking and gardening!!!! Can't think what else i can do ......... oh yes sit down:laughing:

sonia ann
01-03-2009, 05:28 PM
I have just read all the posts here and decided that I am making things too complicated for myself and am going to take Sarah's advice and simplify it. At the moment I seem to live and breath EYFS and am constantly worrying that I am not doing enough. I think i worry more about forward planning as I dont tend to have themes or topics but "go with the flow" and follow the childrens lead on the day and mentally plan next steps for each child as we go along. I am fine with observations and linking to the areas of learning although I do need to write some up.

01-03-2009, 08:52 PM
You are so right!! Go with what the children are showing an interest in and you can't go wrong. You should do a basic long term plan showing birthdays, festivals and celebrations. All the other planning should come from the childrens interests and be spontanious. Thats what I was advised to do on a NCMA EYFS course and it worked with Ofsted.
Good luck and relax, I have.!!:thumbsup:

Chimps Childminding
01-03-2009, 09:41 PM
Or maybe use an A4 sheet split into 6, one section for each area of learning and development... then you can choose a wow moment from each one and make a brief note adding next steps if relevant.

Good idea Sarah, may have to pinch that, as I currently use a whole page for one WOW moment!!:thumbsup:

01-03-2009, 09:52 PM
I knew it was here somewhere!


This is an example of what I mean that you are welcome to fiddle with :D

01-03-2009, 10:51 PM
For 'On the Spot' Observations, which are brief notes on something seen, said or an achievement .. i write this onto a small slip of paper .... I then stick this onto a colour coded sheet which is relating to the 6 learning goals (PSE, CCL, etc..)

I will then do a long observation (5-10mins) once a week, linking this to the learning goals / Development Matters including next steps

I will also do at least 1 photo observation every 2 weeks which will be initiated by child's interests, activity of choosing, great experience etc... and include next steps

I also have a sheet for on the spot obs which has a box for next steps

Is this too much or about right???

I know that all planning will come from these activities/observations etc and didnt know if this was too much work that I am setting for myself ?
I can at the minute only go by what kind of things we do at the nursery where i work and not reall7y sure how much is expected while Childminding. My guess is it should be what is achieveable and benefitial to the child .... But I know what Ofsted are like lol

02-03-2009, 12:07 AM
I think it depends how many children you have in the EYFS too. I have 6 and am cutting down what I write, there is just not enough time. :(

02-03-2009, 07:34 AM
Agh, Im getting behind with it all!!!! Is anyone else finding it all too much to keep up with? Ive got at least 2 or 3 obs to write up for each child,piles of photos to be stuck in and commented on etc Feb newsletter to be written etc

Maybe Im recording too much but its started to get me down and I dont want to spend the whole of Sunday surrounded by mountains of paperwork after a busy week!

Moan over:)

I was getting behind with mine so I know how you are feeling

I just looked at it all and felt really stressed

I set myself a target of one hour per night and just concentrated on one thing at a time

I have almost finished now thank goodness so I hope you get yours done

The secret is once its all up to date make sure you take the time to do it for about 15 min every evening - otherwise its all going to catch up with you again

Angel xx

02-03-2009, 05:28 PM
Thanks everyone! I think im gunna make it more simple.........spent about 4 hrs yesterday cayching up and another 2 this morning(wasnt working) Phew nearly finished but I must keep on top of it now:)

Lady Haha
03-03-2009, 10:31 PM
wow, that master document is fantastic, but yet so simple! I have been doing my obs in such a complicated stressful way as it was how we were taught in our training. To start with the picture 'wow' moment, stick this to obs sheet, write up about what xxxx is doing and then go to the EYFS big book thing we got and find the link.

We were taught to look through every thing trying to find the links. And then write the link/s up in the 'link to EYFS' box on obs sheet. Sometimes I can't find anything that describes or links to what xxxx is doing in the pic!

Today, I was trying to do an ob sheet for 13 month old boy I care for who was looking at a touchy feely book and had turned it the right way round so that it wasn't upside down. To me this was a big wow moment, I was so impressed he had understood this. Could NOT find anything in the book that remotely resembled this,so just did ob on him feeling the textures of the book instead:(

But getting back to the simplified obs, I am going to write alot less now!

03-03-2009, 10:41 PM
Thanks Sarah just printed the master document and going to incorporate it in my files


15-03-2009, 11:30 AM
Hi, Thank you, I had somthig similiar but was not using it for photos. Will do for all types of obs now. So may help save time. Yes we are expected to do lots of paper work, so the key is keeping it managable.