View Full Version : ethnicity

16-02-2009, 02:58 PM
when you have a new starter do any of you have a part on your child information form about the childs ethnicity. I have not but have been told Ofsted are looking to ensure this information along with legal contact (which I have) etc is collected prior to being admitted into the setting how do you word it?

hello kitty
16-02-2009, 05:44 PM
I don't collect this information but if you do decide to you must ensure you include every race as an option as well as a declined to answer box. hth. :)

16-02-2009, 06:06 PM
I've just filled in the ofsted application form and on there they give the following options so if you did the same they surely couldn't question it :rolleyes:

Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi
Asian or asian British - Indian
Asian or asian British - Pakistani
Asian or Asian British - other
Black or Black British - African
Black or Black British - Caribbean
Black or black british - Other
Mixed White and asian
|Mixed white and Black African
Mixed white and black caribbean
Mixed other
Roma Gypsy/Traveller (please specify)
White British
White Irish
White Scottish
White Welsh
Other ethnicity (please specify)
Prefer not to say

Hope that helps!!!!


16-02-2009, 06:10 PM
You do not have a legal duty to collect this information unless you are receiving Govt funding for the child.

It says that clearly in the Eyfs. :D

16-02-2009, 07:13 PM
I do have details of ethnicity on my child information sheet and whilst I most parents are happy to complete it a couple of mine refuse (fine by me) saying it's no one's business but their own. I recently had to complete a census form for our early years. I filled in the details for 6 of my mindees and for the other two I put asterisks in the box and put parents unwilling to divulge this information.