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View Full Version : Why are people so thoughtless?

02-02-2009, 09:59 AM
As mentioned before had enquiry for 14 month old and mom was quite insistant on early time to come and see me so we arranged for 9:30 this morning. So yesterday I had a child free day and instead of having a pamper "me" time I spent time on getting everything "perfect" and stayed up very late last night to get paperwork and welcome pack ready. And on top she woke up about 5 times last night. This morning we have beautiful snow and I am up early showered and ready for her. 10 mins late and decided to google her home number as area code similar but second aprt different and picked her up as she has her own business. Called number and guess what she is there answering her phone and its a 25 min drive to mine. I understand its snowing and wanted to call yesterday but was told it wont be too bad as people still went to work this morning. She seemed surprise when she heard who it was and said she completely forgot and then mentioned loads of other "excuses"

But sorry I could've still had a lovely lie in and enjoyed the snow later with my daughter. Even if it was just a call this morning would have been okay :angry: :angry: :angry:

02-02-2009, 10:02 AM
It happens all the time. Then you get some really nice reliable parents and know it's all worth it :)

02-02-2009, 10:22 AM
How annoying for you!!!!:angry:


02-02-2009, 10:26 AM
not a great start to a good working relationship is it/

Chatterbox Childcare
02-02-2009, 10:28 AM
Unfortunately this is the nature of the beast. You will get used to it.

mandy moo
02-02-2009, 10:39 AM
not a great start to a good working relationship is it/

I have two brothers part time, they are 10mths and 3 1/2.
Last thursday was the 3rd time they had been with me,
Mum was just over 1/2 an hour late picking them up!
She's supposed to pick up at 6pm, I got a txt from her at 4mins past 6 to say she was on her way, she finally arrived at 6.34pm, a proplem at work apparently..

I did get a sorry, but my eldest son was at a friends house to play, and I told his mum I would pick up just after 6pm, so it makes me look bad too.

02-02-2009, 10:56 AM
Yes i understand its part of business and no matter how we try people either always considerate towards others or not.

In mean time I will wait for LO to wake and enjoy snow as its still falling down

02-02-2009, 10:59 AM
I have two brothers part time, they are 10mths and 3 1/2.
Last thursday was the 3rd time they had been with me,
Mum was just over 1/2 an hour late picking them up!
She's supposed to pick up at 6pm, I got a txt from her at 4mins past 6 to say she was on her way, she finally arrived at 6.34pm, a proplem at work apparently..

I did get a sorry, but my eldest son was at a friends house to play, and I told his mum I would pick up just after 6pm, so it makes me look bad too.

hope you are going to charge her for the extra time ! she will learn not to do it again x

mandy moo
03-02-2009, 09:38 AM
hope you are going to charge her for the extra time ! she will learn not to do it again x

Ooohhh nnoooo, the money side, now thats where Im gonna have to start getting tough, as not too good at that side of things, am getting better tho, slowley:)

03-02-2009, 11:24 AM
Yes people are thoughtless, it has happen several times. Parents are wanting to come round, you get everything ready for them, then they dont turn up. The other one is parents says that they want childcare, then say I'll ring you next week and sort something out, they never ring.

Now I think if a parent wants to come round then ok, but I don't get things ready, they are at hand...

I think we are all in the same boat.

:) :)

03-02-2009, 10:58 PM
Think most of us have been in the same situation

Angel xx

04-02-2009, 12:35 PM
I had a parent who arranged to visit and she did turn up for a day early!

I questioned myself thinking I was wrong and greeted her let her in etc then checked my diary and sure enough she was early but it gave her the opportunity to see how my normal day runs without making additional arrangments, ofcourse I had no paperwork out but I did then mention that I thought arrangements were made for another day. She stated she had a job interview the following day and couldnt find my number to rearrange!

ugh she stayed for 3 hours, i was trying tog et a ltitle one ready for school run and she didnt seem to want to leave. i then said well its been nice to meet you I need to leave now for school run.

I never heard from her again!