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29-01-2009, 12:40 PM
Hi everyone...ive been registerd since october 08, i am busy posting flyers to avertise my business and spending copious amounts of money on avertising..but alas nothing..im at my wits end now. i used to work in nurseries but left, because i think i can give a better one to one service which i think is lacking at nursery.
I have everything in place for my setting...is this all going to go to waste.
I was so excited to get my registration certificate.
I'm now in a situation financially that im going to have to find a job else where.:(
I feel so sad...is any one else not getting any business or is it just me??

29-01-2009, 12:57 PM
It took me 4 months to fill one space, I was working until my first mindee came along. Im now full under 5 but took nearly a year to get them.:(

I think alot of childminders have a 2nd job or are working until they get on their feet.

Good luck.:)

29-01-2009, 01:20 PM
I've been registered since Dec and my enquiries have come through recommendations from full childminders. I would highly recommend going to a drop in, introducing yourself to them and getting to know them.
was expecting people to need me now not that far in the future.

What I am doing now is a re-phrased advert offering the in-service day at school and promoting the benefits of a childminder (as apposed to the hol club) giving the dates of the next holiday and saying what we will be doing in it in the hope I get some holiday children to cover my hours and get a bit of money as the one in Sept is term time only. Ive tried to think of what parents must be doing with their kids in the holidays, sending them to grandmas etc and then saying well we will be out and about (our hol club dont do trips) and offering odd days/hours instead of sessional. I am more expensive than the holiday club but offer better facilities and we go out. I don't think a lot of parents realise they can book 1 day in the holidays they think that they have to have it all the holidays etc I can offer this service as I only want a few children on my books to keep me going so its worth seeing what you offer that is better than the alternative (not other childminders but clubs/grandparents) and focusing on that. Can you tell I did a selling skills course once! :laughing:

29-01-2009, 02:24 PM
Have you got your details registered with Childcare Information Service, they advertise you for free in my area.

02-02-2009, 12:05 PM

I'm the same, struggling to fill a 2nd full time space. I currently mind a 12 month old, but am finding it frustrating and concerning financially that I need to fill quickly now the 2nd place. Quite concerned really as gave up a full time office job to change career to spend more time with my son and thought it would be easier to fill vacancies. Only filled the one place through a family contact.
If anybody is in the Bearwood/Smethwick area and new to minding I would love to hear from them to discuss things.

02-02-2009, 06:55 PM
Im the same, I have 2 children in the evening 6-9pm, but am finding it very frustrating because im not getting my of my spaces filled in the day-time...Ive advistised everywhere i can think of and i go to 3-4 groups a wk.....Ive had calls but nothink ever come of it......Beginning to think im doing somethink wrong......:( But i have been told by other cms near me that work has slowed down for alot of cms and a few are losing work.....:(

05-02-2009, 12:12 AM
Thanks for all the replys. i discovered that although i filled out all the forms for the childcare link, i wasn't on it...i've since rung them, and now appear on it.
Hence the phone call from some one wanting there 4yr old looked after from 6:20am gulp..i know im desperate, but even i think thats too early. :rolleyes: mum is coming to see me on friday so we will see .

05-02-2009, 07:52 AM
Glad you got some response from FIS.

Good luck on Friday - if you agree to do this I'd charge a higher rate for the time up to 8am

Miffy xx

05-02-2009, 08:10 AM
Glad you have got a potential coming.

Some childminders need me are deciding now is the time to retire as the competition for children is so great. There are loads of childminders around here so its who you know. Both my enquiries are people who are distantly related or have come thro other childminders.

Hope the chat goes well.

05-02-2009, 09:02 AM
I'm the same, i've returned to cm after a short break & i'm finding it hard to attract work- any work:( A cm buddie said there is a slump at the moment so i'm hoping things will pick up. I did have one lady call but she said i was too expensive:( so i've reduced my prices:eek: ......i think i offer a v good service so i'm just waiting & trying not to spend too much on resources;) while i wait for the call.
Have you advertised in your local Childrens Centre? local shops, hairdressers, newsagents , free web ads sites, here?:laughing: got free business cards? door to door leaflet drops, is the pre-school friendly...umm...thats all i can think of...Ooo other childminders:) can be lovely- have you got a local group (or you could start one;) )

07-02-2009, 05:51 PM
Yes thanks, i have been doing a lot of posting leaflets ,through doors and on car windscreens in all the local car parks. i have put adverts in shop windows about 10 i think to date. i have had some business cards printed, and give them out when talking to people i know.
I would like to make a web site, are there any free sites i could use?
Thankyou for all the kind replys.
Debbie xxx

07-02-2009, 06:16 PM
I think it the same in a lot of places sadly.

Make sure you mix with other minders - minders won't recommend someone the don't know and thats where a good bulk of your work can come from.

keep plugging away - get your posters where parent/child goes - soft play, all the local toddler/preschool/nursery groups, schools etc.

Good luck

07-02-2009, 06:18 PM
Oh God - it's awful when you can't get work. It's the type of job where you are ready, willing and able but if no-one enquires what can you do?

I have felt very guilty when I have posted on here saying "Another enquiry" etc but I HAVE been in your position - it got so bad that I was having panic attacks quite often thinking I wasn't able to pay my mortgage etc not too long ago.

I have lots of enquires from Netmums (national website) and a parent mentioned she saw my details on surestart - but I'm not sure exactly how to find my details on there so not sure what it says :blush:

Could you ask to leave your details at local schools/GP/swimming pools/library/supermarket noticeboard/post office noticeboard?

Also, if it's dire could you offer your services at your local school - maybe a couple of hours a week - your face will become well known and I think parents are really impressed by CMs who help out at schools.

Good luck :thumbsup:

24-02-2009, 11:19 AM
Hi everyone...ive been registerd since october 08, i am busy posting flyers to avertise my business and spending copious amounts of money on avertising..but alas nothing..im at my wits end now. i used to work in nurseries but left, because i think i can give a better one to one service which i think is lacking at nursery.
I have everything in place for my setting...is this all going to go to waste.
I was so excited to get my registration certificate.
I'm now in a situation financially that im going to have to find a job else where.:(
I feel so sad...is any one else not getting any business or is it just me??

Hi Debbieanne,

Have you got any mindees yet.? I am still waiting to get my first placement. Had no calls yet and like yu have been out and about with posters, advertising etc.
It is getting me down now too, just one call would lift me.

Sue :huh:

Lick'le Oakes
24-02-2009, 11:50 AM
I know the feeling well:eek: Where i am there seems to be alot of childminders with spaces, i am new, just registered but am desperate to start, like you say one call would give us a lift.

24-02-2009, 12:13 PM
Yes thanks, i have been doing a lot of posting leaflets ,through doors and on car windscreens in all the local car parks. i have put adverts in shop windows about 10 i think to date. i have had some business cards printed, and give them out when talking to people i know.
I would like to make a web site, are there any free sites i could use?
Thankyou for all the kind replys.
Debbie xxx

there is freewebs or Microsoft Small Business - both offer good free easy to create sites. Pauline on here makes websites for about £35 I think.

24-02-2009, 05:02 PM
I no the feeling well, ive been registered since end of september, had lots of enquires and 2 visits but nothing, ive advertisered, sent leaflets, wrote to nurserys, try ur childminder networks c if they can help even if it just emergancy care anything better than nothing

25-02-2009, 02:31 PM
I know the feeling well:eek: Where i am there seems to be alot of childminders with spaces, i am new, just registered but am desperate to start, like you say one call would give us a lift.

Hi, any luck yet with any calls? i'm still waiting for one but at least my name has now been added to the childrens service link in our local area so lets hope that helps. until then just keep on :) its better than :crying:

Sue t

25-02-2009, 02:40 PM
i'm started a job this week that i will keep until my childminding business is up and running. good luck

25-02-2009, 05:36 PM
I've got an evening/ weekend job at the moment, doing some admin for my husband's company and at least that's getting some money in for now. On the childminding side i'm helping out at the local pre-school and having play dates for my children's friends so getting some practice with doing crafts and cooking :)
Did have a lady in a shop say that she is expecting in June and might give me a call and a mum at the pre-school took some interest....we'll see what happens.
Did feel a bit low yesterday as went to a local post office and got £10 out and then went to the other counter and paid £5 for 10 weeks advertising and he said to me "Ah bless you, got the money out to advertise your business?"
I've spent almost £40 on advertising so far and i'm just going to wait and see what comes along :)

25-02-2009, 05:39 PM
Have you got any mindees yet, Debbie?

Maybe now your info is on the infomation link website you will get lots of enquiries. That is where all mine come from/

Good luck and let us know how it's going

25-02-2009, 05:58 PM
Hope you've got some enquiries now, I also have had enquiries through Netmums as well.
