View Full Version : Ideas for 10 yr old and poss 13 yr old girls

25-01-2009, 08:31 PM
I am after some advice. I have taken on a 10 year old girl for holiday care 10am to 3.45 Monday to Friday. I may possibly have her 13 yr old sister some of the time if not all. They are going to try letting her stay at home by herself but she may come to me one or two days.

My own daughter is almost 9 and has Hama Beads, Nintendo DS board games etc. We also have a computer I have no objection to them using either.

I have picked up some photo frames to decorate, have ordered some cross stitch (you never know they may like it - if not my son is a bit partial!!). I was also thinking of letting them make their own music cd compilations. We have a Debenhams Desire within walking distance, so was thinking of checking with mum and then maybe taking them down there to have their make up done at the make up counter. There is also a new Nandos so I thought one day we could go for lunch and another day the cinema (when 3 yr old not in tow). Mum has said she is happy to pay towards such things.

I did ask them when they came to visit the other day but they were both a little shy and not terribly forth coming. I was thinking of asking mum to let me know what things they like to do indoors.

I am hoping to be out and about but will also have a 3 yr old in tow so am somewhat limited. I just want to have some things to hand so they dont sit there being bored and then dont want to come back!!!

So please, any suggestions, will be greatly received.


25-01-2009, 08:34 PM
Sounds like you have some good ideas already. I have an 11 year old girl in hols sometimes and she loves to "help" with the lo's. First thing I would do is ask the children to make a list of their favourite things to do.

25-01-2009, 08:39 PM
I agree it sounds like you've got it more or less sorted.

Depends what they are like but there are always long muddy walks ( maybe not the 13 yr old though my 14yr old son has no choice :D )

Are there any adventure playgrounds near you ? I know this age group like to think they are sophisticated but give them half a chance and they still enjoy this sort of thing.

25-01-2009, 08:44 PM
A mobile phone, an i-pod, a game boy, boxes of very chocolatey cake bakes and a computer...

That's what my dd just said when I asked her! :rolleyes: :laughing:

25-01-2009, 08:52 PM
Thank you, especially Sarah's daughter!!! Unfortunately, my budget doesnt stretch to supplying individuals with mobiles and i-pods!!!

I am planning on having cooking/baking activities also, maybe something they can make for our lunch or to enjoy after lunch.

My son is 11 and moans about the adventure playground whereas my daughter loves it. I may get him to play at a friends that day or bring a friend along to keep him out (or in!) trouble!!

06-02-2009, 01:58 PM
I have filled ballons with rice, with 11 year olds. Two balloons so they don't break. They are then juggling balls.

Print word searches off internet.

give them a baking book and let them pick what they want to cook

06-02-2009, 02:07 PM
My dd is nearly 11 and loved to 'help' when i had my neice, she also enjoys anything creative also the wii, ds, t.v, we even had a trial run of making playdough last night lol x hth

06-02-2009, 02:29 PM
My DD is 14. I find an endless supply of boys, a mobile phone, Ipod, GHDs and endless patience from you is all they need!

Failing that, you already have some fab ideas but how about singstar, board games (monopoly a popular one), cooking and icing cakes, etc.

07-02-2009, 11:59 AM
I have Singstar and was thinking of investing in the BoyBand versus GirlBand one (I personally want the ABBA one!). Not sure hwo shy they will all be together but mine will definitely go on it and hopefully the others will follow.

I have the Wii and dont mind them going on that. I have the Wii Fit as well and same again dont mind them going on that.

I am going to take a trip to the cinema on the Tuesday (cheap day at my local cinema). I am thinking that Hotel for Dog or Chiahuahua might be a good one that they will all enjoy (or at least tolerate!!! lol).

I am also going to ask around to see if anyone who has daughters of a similar age have some recent magazines they would be happy to offload.

I know of a site where you can make your own word searches up then print off so that should be fun. Must remember to stock up on printer paper!!

What do you think of getting some little cross stitch kits? I wasnt sure if they might think its what grannies do (no offense to anyone who does!) but I thought it would be something that could last the week if they wanted to come back to it etc.

Thanks for all the suggestions so far.

07-02-2009, 01:16 PM
My 14 year old is a fan of cross stitch. Dont tell her friends though ;)

Doodle pads are another good one where you colour in the random patterns.

DVD watching is also popular at the moment.

07-02-2009, 03:11 PM
I will get some cross stitch off Ebay then - they have some cute little starter ones for 99p.

I just got some Doodle Pad in the Works, plus some little beads and thread. I thought they could make some bracelets or charms for their phones etc.

The problem with the DVD watching is that I will also have an almost 3 yr old. But I have my children's rooms upstairs registered so as long as my kids dont mind, they can go upstairs and watch something up there.

07-02-2009, 07:10 PM

My girls at that age enjoyed making friendship bracelets and glass painting.

The 10 year old i CM really enjoyed playing with playdough the other day

and asked if i could have it out more after school, i asked if she would like

some clay to make some clay pots she said when tomorrow. Guess they don't

play with things like that at home.

Ellen x

07-02-2009, 08:19 PM
Thank you Ellen.

I was thinking about getting some air drying clay and they can make something at the beginning of the week, then paint and decorate it later in the week. This would suit the 2 yr old up to the 13 yr old.

As you say, I think sometimes they just like to do the things they dont get the opportunity to do at home.

08-02-2009, 10:08 PM
the 11 yr old boy I look after is happy with glue scrap paper fabrics anything really and he gets really creative whilst involving the little ones too.

He decided to make farm animals before christmas using boxes for the different paddocks that then turned into a little puppet show.